Chapter 1

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''You're a damn bitch, just like your mother. I bet she did it pretty often after your father's death.'' Clarke's thoughts had filled with hatred as those words had left Murphy's mouth. How could he dare talk about her mother in this way? She never did anything to harm him but only rejected his constantly begging for a date. But that couldn't be the one and only reason to offend her in public.

''Don't dare blabbering about my mother or even my dad. You know nothing about them, so shut up or I'll make sure you won't be able spitting such a bull anymore.'' she warned him almost threateningly but Murphy had other plans than stopping. He wanted her to suffer, wanted her to feel the same pain he felt when she ignored him.It wasn't hard to find a way to make her suffer because she once told him her biggest concerns. Her mother. She was the key and Clarke's weakness. Murphy knew how much she loved her mum, so he just had to offend her in front of Clarke.

''I do know that she's a bitch. There are so many rumors of her and some guys.. I mean she's very close to Kane, right? And hasn't Kane been your father's best friend? ..How could she..''One could see how Clarke was getting angrier from one moment to another and suddenly she had enough. Even though she knew she was playing with fire, she didn't care and stepped closer to Murphy who was still smirking convinced about his comeback. People were dropping their jaws when Clarke pushed him, not only once but several times until he lost his balance.

That was her chance.

She pounced on him, braced him against the floor with her knees and beat the hell out of him.Blood was running down his lips and cheeks but she didn't stop. Clarke knew, he had gone too far and he deserved punishment so she didn't waste a thought of letting him go. People were yelling at her and some tried to pull her off but they didn't succeed. Murphy's view was getting blurry when suddenly a voice appeared.

''Clarke Griffin! Move!''

Clarke froze and slowly realized what happened when she saw her bloodstained hands and wound ankles. She didn't even know if it was Murphy's or her own. Before she could barely getting up, she was pulled away by Mr. Jaha and one student. What did I do? What was I thinking?Whatever..He deserved it. He started. You didn't do anything wrong, Clarke. Murphy's face was swollen but Clarke's expression remained cold as she was brought to the principal. She didn't regret anything. If he hadn't provoke her, she wouldn't have beaten him.

''What have you done?! You almost killed him!'' Headmaster Jaha yelled but he couldn't break her self-confidence. Her view stayed blankly.

''You know what?'' She began. ''He was the one offending me, my mother and basically my whole family. I warned him about spitting shit any further but he didn't stop!! It's not my damn fault!'' She explained harshly, but soon regretted because she realized that it wasn't a good excuse at all.

''You can't just beat everyone who offends you! You're better than this.'' He suddenly relaxed.

''I know it's or it was hard for you to move on from the loss of a parent..'' He continued but was constantly stopped by the beating of Clarke's hand against the table.

''It has NOTHING to do with my father and don't dare talk about him ever again, I swear!'' Her eyes were wild and she could feel anger rising from inside of her. Seconds later they were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door and immediately afterwards, a tall, slim woman entered the room and she didn't seem happy but very upset.

Her mother.

*End of flashback*

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