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I was embarrassingly angry over the scavengers invasion of my mind, Kylo did it all the time and it didn't bother me, so why should some flimsy, pathetic, little girl get me so rilled up?

I stomped dramatically all the way back to my quarters and when inside I threw myself down onto the bed.

I wasn't afraid of Kylo, that I knew. I was afraid of his raw strength but I knew deep down he would never use it on me. I wasn't afraid of him, I was afraid of the fact that he quite possibly held my heart in the same hands that had snuffed the light out of so many eyes.

I was content to pace angrily around in my room for an eternity but it was short lived. Shouts and the pounding boots of the stormtroopers shocked me back to reality and I became keenly aware of a disturbance in the force.

It was like a stabbing sensation in my side and like my heart was being pulled down into my chest in a swirling vortex all at once.

As quickly as I could I slipped into what armour I had shed throughout the day and fastened the billowing cloak across my shoulders. I pulled my lightsabers towards me and dashed into the corridor.

"You!" I screeched at a passing trooper, pulling him away from the flood of his fellows that seemed to rush across all corners of the ship. "What's going on?"
"The scavenger escaped!"

Fuck me.

Pushing the stormtrooper away from me in a fit of rage I turned on my heel and skidded down the polished corridors and metal floors in the direction I knew Kylo would be in.

"Rhea!" I heard his deep voice call as I powered towards him, my cloak billowing out behind me and my boots clacking on the ground as I closed the space between Kylo and I.

I slam into his chest and wrap my arms around his waist, forever thankful that the corridor is empty. He's taller that me so I burry my face into his chest, breathing him in.

He tenses, freezing at the unexpected contact. He's unused to it but it doesn't take him long to respond, bringing one hand to the small of my back and another to my hair. We stand still for a moment and its easy to forget the world doesn't freeze around us when we do this.

"You should go back to your quarters."
"Ha." I snort, "you wish."
"I can't keep you safe!" He hisses, voice barely above a whisper but his hold on me tightens into almost a vice like grip.
"I don't need you to." I respond as we hear the pounding of boots clanging their way along the corridor.

They're getting closer and closer and we have to pull apart.

"Don't get yourself killed okay?" I mutter as I pass by Kylo, my fingers briefly brushing against his arm.

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