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"This isn't nesecary."
"You don't get to comment on that." Kylo huffed. Or I guess he did, the stupid helmet drove me mad.
"I refuse to be taken back to the..." I began indignantly, swinging my legs in the most disruptive fashion I could and he merely grabbed them, putting and end to that as quickly as it started.
"I know."
"So, where are we going?"
"Stop talking." He snapped and suddenly everything went black. The bastard.

The dark of sleep was different this time. It was no longer the quiet nothingness Kylo would conjour, this time it was the dark chamber again. The same dark that should be suffocating, the same breeze that should have left me feeling cold and the same shadowy figure that should have left me terrified, yet none of these did what was expected of them.

"Ah." The voice called to me, beckoning me into the shaft of light that feel to the centre of the chamber. "Back so soon?"
"Who are you?" I demanded, stepping closer anyway.
"Inconsequential, you'll find out in due course." It said with a dismissive wave of its hand. "Now... Kylo Ren."
"Ky..Kylo Ren?" I stammered nervously. "What of him?"
"Passion, is the source for all power right at its core, granted." The voice, now unmistakably a he began to circle me. "Valuing someone's survival and prosperity above your own? Weakness."
"I d..."
"Don't talk, listen." He hissed. "Allowing him to control you like this, when you wake, when you sleep... Weakness."
"I-I don't know how to stop him."
"Then let me show you the ways of the force, child."

When I woke up I was laying on a tangle of black sheets in a room not particularly familiar. Kylo's I supposed, or his Finaliser version. This was a military ship through and through, no space for luxury, every square inch possible had to be dedicated to war and death and nothing else would suffice.

Kylo Ren was going to get it for this. Talk about pushing boundaries? That man didn't know the meaning of the word. The figure in my head was right, allowing him this much control was a weakness.

I shot up in his bed looking for him and found him sitting at the bottom, staring intently, the stupid helmet still on. "Where were you?"
"Right beside you, fighting off the scavenger so she didn't finish the job of cutting your remaining limbs off." Oh, low blow there Kylo, low blow.
"You know what I mean." I snapped. "I lost a limb and I had to hobble through the ship to find you."
"I had better things to be doing than sitting beside a bed all day, everyday."
"Take it off." I hissed, kneeling on the bed now. The helmet was grating, definitely. If I couldn't hear his voice what was the point in even having a conversation?
"Take the helmet off." I said resolutely, crossing my arms across my body in defiance.
"No." He huffed. "You're in no position to give me orders."
"Yeah? Watch me." I scoffed, a humourless laugh biting out "Take it off."
"Don't go there."
"Kylo Ren." I began, surprising myself at the risin level of authority I was managing here. It was pure determination at this point, if he was so adamant about keeping it on he had to be hiding something. "Take off that helmet or I swear to anything that's listening I will pull it off your limp body."
"You just got out of the med bay."
"And you're going to put me back in it?"
"That was implied."
"Kylo Ren!" I yelled at him, moving further down the bed till I was right in his face, or mask. "I want to see your face."
"You're going to regret ta..."
"Kylo!" This time it wasn't a yell, it was a pure scream in the face of my master, the unstable sith and I didn't even care. "Take it the fuck off!"

He huffed this time, reaching behind his head and clicking the helmet free. The hiss of pressure leaving the helmet was music to my ears and I sat back on my heels as he pulled it free of his head, shaking the hair loose.

"Oh my god Kylo." I gasped, reaching a hand out to caress his face almost instinctively and he flinched before I realised it was my metal one, I quickly swapped the hands, I wanted to feel his face after all. "I'm going to give that scavenger a slow painful death of its the last thing I do."
"I'd argue the hand is worse than my face."
"Ah, who needs a hand." I joked. "I've still got another one left after all."

And then he grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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