Marvel Family And Being a Good Role Model

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Faith's' POV

Today I had an audition for the newest Avengers movie, the part I was auditioning for is Hawkeyes Daughter. I've always had a love for the marvel movies and now I have a chance to be apart of the marvel family! And my favorite actor has always been Jeremy Renner, which my dad thinks is a lie because he said he is my favorite actor.

The only bad thing is, is that they're only auditioning for one part and no other parts. So Jack won't be in this movie with me.
After the audition, Jack and I are going to a middle school to talk to some kids.

I started getting ready for my audition when my phone rang, I was in the middle of doing my hair so I didn't check who it was and put it on speaker.

"Hwello" I said, my voice muffled because I had some of my hair in my mouth, keeping it out of the way.

"Oh that was so cute" I hear Jacks voice over the other side of the phone.

"Owh shut yup" I say, trying to say 'oh shut up', but it came out really funny.

"Babe, stop eating while I'm talking to you" Jack says laughing.
My hair then drops out of my mouth, my mouth forming an 'O'

"Hey! God you're rude! I wasn't even eating! I was straightening my hair" I say

"Mmhm sure babe whatever you say"

"God you're rude. I can easily end this call you know"

"You do know I know where you live"

"Ha jokes on you Jack, I'm not gonna be home today"

"Oh yeah that's right..." Jack sounds kind of upset.

"But I'll see you at the middle school Jack" I say trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah yeah I know. But I'm gonna let you go, see you later Faith bye" Jack says hanging up before I can even respond.

Well that was weird, he's been kind of distant lately ever since I told him about auditioning for the part.

~Time Skip~

I arrived at the place to audition and see many girls in the room. I check in and they immediately take me in. I feel bad, all these other girls have been waiting for awhile and I barley come and they take me immediately.

I get in and see the director, writer and Jeremy Renner himself. I freak out a bit in my mind, but I keep it professional.

"Wow you are the first person not freak out that I'm here" Jeremy says laughing.

"Have to keep it to myself right" I say laughing.

"That's good you are keeping it professional, I appreciate that" Jeremy says and I nod and smile.

We then go over a couple lines and it went really good. Jeremy smiled at me a couple times and then the director and write and Jeremy talked to each other.

They then all smiled at me.

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