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Jack's POV

I was talking about our moments and memories when she leaned in a kissed me! Of course I kissed back.
When we both needed air I leaned back and opened up my eyes.
Faith was smiling she was about to speak up then-

The sound of New York woke me up.

Wait! So does that mean she never lost her memory?
I quickly got out my bed and left my house.

I quickly ran down the street to the corner to Faith's apartment room.
I ran up the stairs, which was a bad idea cause she's on the fourth floor....

I run down her hallway and reach her door hoping she'll answer.
It is 11am so she should be up.
I knock fast and I heard the door unlock and open quickly.

"Hello?" The voice said
It was Josh.

"Oh hi Josh, is Faith here?" I asked a little worried.

"Uh no I think she's out at the park with someone I think" he says

"Okay thank you!" I said running back down.

I ran to the closet park which wasn't that far and tried to see if I could find Faith

I ran till I saw her. She's smiling and laughing. I even started to smile..... till I saw the GUY she was with.

He looked taller than me, green eyes, his hair is spiked up and his teeth of white as hell.

I already hate this guy.

She's just smiling and laughing! What the hell!!
(Jealous Jack😏)

Oh okay now he's picking up his dog! Oh and now Faith is all over both of them!
Okay in my dream Faith and I were dating! I hope that part was true!

Okay now they're hugging😡, and he starts to leave but quickly walks back to her and grabs her hand.

He asks her a question and she says 'yes' and the question was 'Do you want to go out tonight?' 

I walked back home after I heard Faith say yes.

Faith's POV
Okay so today I'm meeting up with another singer named Cameron.
Cameron wanted to meet up at the park today so we did.

We were laughing all day he even brought his dog, that I had to take pictures with.

Before he left he turned back and asked me if he wanted to go out for dinner tonight after working on our song.
And of course I said yes.

And it's not gonna be all romantic and all because I have Jack and Cameron has a girl in his life.

After Cameron left I decided to call Jack and see if he was up.

'Your call has been forwarded to an auto voiced message system you-'
He denied my call after 5 seconds!

I walked to his house cause it wasn't that far when I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I said.

"Oh it's alright dear" the guy said smiling weirdly.
I looked up to realize it was my old dad.

You've got to be kidding me! I thought he went to jail!!

So I ran.
Like always.
And he chased after me.
Like always.

I ran to Jack's house and quickly knocked on the door hoping he'll answer before my dad gets here.

"What do you want Faith?!" Jack asked well snapped at me while opening the door.

"Look I don't know why you're mad now, but my dads back and he's right there let me in please!" I begged.
He quickly pulled me in and locked the door fast.

He looked at me and sighed and walked away.

"Hey! Jack!" He ignored me and kept walking.

"Hey! Jack what the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled.

"You know exactly!!" He yelled back.

"Obviously not if I'm asking!" I said

I've never actually heard him yell like that. Only for movies.

"I'm sorry Faith" he said looking down "I didn't mean to snap at you." He said while walking over to me. "I just had this crazy dream and I just don't know whats real right now"

Well that isn't weird at all. 

"What aren't you sure of?" I ask.

"Us...." He said.

"You want to break up?" I ask
He got wide eyed quickly.

"No no no no no! I didn't even know if we were going out! Ha my dream was crazy" he said looking away from me.

"Come on it couldn't be that bad..."

"You- you were had amnesia and forgot who I was..." He said looking down while a tear came out of his eye.

"I won't forget you. I promise." I said wiping his tear away." I said softly to him. "It was all just a dream."

Hey guys sorry haven't updated in a LOOONG time. Hopefully I'll start updating more. But like comment and vote what y'all think!
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