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I quite like midnight.
It's a time where everything is silent.
Where nothing is making a sound, as if the earth holds its breath for a minute. I think Kip likes midnight too.

Maybe I like midnight so much because it's exactly 12 o clock, and the world quietens, falling asleep.
Well, it's always ruined by Kip roaring at something, or my peace is destroyed at the beast pawing at my waist.

You might be thinking, 'what on earth is this rodney on about? Who is Kip?'
Well, Kip to me, is a big, cuddly, giant cat who throws tantrums when he doesn't get his food early and roars at the darkness and plays around when the sun is out.

To a stranger, Kip would be a dangerous beast that you would call a tiger, that pounces on its prey and should be locked up.
You don't feel that way when you've raised a tiger since birth.

Other people would think it's mad to sleep on muddy grass in the freezing cold with a tiger right next to you, but to me, it's safe and makes me feel protected.

Kip loves me, and I love Kip.
So why does everything have to go oh so horribly wrong?


Well what ya think?
I came up with this a few nights ago and I was like "here lets do this" so here it is!
Also, Joe lived in South Africa in this if you're wondering XD

Cya at the end of this journey!


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