{1} Letters & Love

197 18 13

3 years ago

Dear mum & dad.
First of all, I'm making this quick as I need to catch the tube train, but I need to write you a letter before I leave forever.

Don't come after me, I don't want that at all.
You both know why I'm leaving, I just can't deal with it anymore.
I can't deal with all these things going on that only Zoë is included in, you hardly tell me anything anymore.

I guess I'll just explain everything, incase you forgot, but I'm highly sure you didn't, seeing as I'm just the outcast.

Two years ago, you went on holidays with Zoë without me, and left me with grandma. You said it was for her dancing, but I know it wasn't, she wasn't that advanced.

Last year, I was the lead in the school play and got a standing ovation.
You didn't even show up, you went to Zoë's ballet show instead. Aunt Gracie came instead, she tried to tell you guys how amazing my acting was, but you didn't listen. You showed off photos of Zoe's show instead.

I'm not happy anymore. My own parents won't even deny that they love their daughter more than their son, and that isn't okay for me. What kind of parents are you? Why would you have two kids if you only love one?

I'm sick of you both giving me disappointed looks if I even spill water, or drop something on the floor. Yet, you marvel at Zoë if she so much as draws a cute picture or takes a nice photograph.

You'll never praise me as much as you praise Zoë.
I never thought I'd leave because of this, this is only half the reason.
It's when dad started to hit me.
He slapped me one night for getting 65% on a test. A fucking test.

He hit me another for not showing up exactly on time for Zoë's science fair, that was because I had mine that day too, and mine won. Hers didn't.

Everyone knows life is unfair, so I'm running away from it. From everything. You never smile when I'm around, you get Zoë twice as much Christmas presents, you forgot my birthday. I'm not living like that anymore. Do you even know my age anymore?

So since I'll never see you again, hopefully, I'm leaving you this.
For the last time,

I folded up the letter with flourish, my heart was beating slightly faster then before as my escape plan ran through my mind once more.

1. Leave straight away once you leave the letter in mom and dads room.
2. Don't be loud, you don't want to wake them up.
3. Get food from the fridge, food matters.
4.Run away far, don't look back, don't get scared, just run.
5. Never show your face anywhere close to your home town.

I rubbed my hands together nervously, having small doubts on what I was getting myself into. After all, I was only thirteen, I didn't know the world as well as I thought I did.

I shook my head in embarrassment, of course I wasn't going to stop now, I was basically waiting my whole life for this moment. Freedom.

I clutched the letter tightly in my hand as I made my way to my parents bedroom from my own. I twisted the doorknob slowly, trying to avoid making any noise. Quickly, I tiptoed to the small locker beside my parents bed and dropped the letter lightly onto one of moms magazines, before exiting the colour coordinated room with a huff.

I made my way down the soundless carpeted stairs into the darkness. I grabbed my bag I had hidden in the cupboard that was filled with food and drinks to last a while, before Turing off the house alarm and disappearing into the night.

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