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I was nervous. My heart was beating out of my chest and I could hear it in my ears. My fingertips were clammy and my stomach kept going flip flop.

But here I was in front of his cabin. My feet hastily in sandals and my shorts just above my knee. I stepped forward, my throat closing up and knocked.

Tap Tap Tap

"What the fuck, Will. You're legit the only one who comes to my door, just come in." Nico said from inside. I felt the tension leave my shoulders and laughed. I swung the door open and stepped in.

Nico wore a loose navy blue shirt with black jeans. The shirt had a big white star on it and he was reaching for a leather jacket.

He was a biker, and I was part of the country club. Just great.

"You look nice." Nico said sincerely. I smiled a bit.

"You do too." I said. And he did. The dark colors made him look more tanned. His nearly black eyes seems to flint in blue from the shirt. His hair was messy and a little wet, suggesting he just got out of the shower. He looked like a supermodel and I was a white guy in khakis

"Where we going" He asked while tugging on his converse shoes.

"Surprise." I said cheekily. He rolled his eyes and pushed me gently. I took his hand instead.

"How are we suppose to get where ever if I can't shadow travel us." Nico questioned.

"You underestimate me, young padawan. I have several means of transportation." He looked at me expectantly.

"Were borrowing Jules Albert." I explained.

"So you need me either way." He smirked.

"Basically." I laughed.

Nico summoned Jules Albert from the dead. We also acquired a very 'nice' car. A run down van that didn't scream HEY LOOK AT US. WE DEMIGODS. WE YUMMY.

But all I had to do was whisper in Jules Albert's ear our destination. Nico and I talked about little things on our way there. Mostly about how I was a geek who loved Star Wars, books, and Comic books (mainly Marvel) and, how he was a stereotypical white girl whom loved Starbucks and Pokémon. (To be fair, Starbucks is good as Pokémon.) Also to be honest, Nico was a geek too. He was just one that tried to hide it.

When we arrived at our destination I cleared my throat.

"Welcome to The Cavern" I introduced as I opened up his side. A stunning restaurant appeared before us. The sloping decor of elegance. It screamed Italian. But really, inside it was another story. They served mainly Irish foods, but they had some Italian as well. I mean, we are in New York.

"Wow, points to you." Nico looked fully impressed and I felt pride. We walked inside and a teen with brown hair took us to our seats. Her nametag read Andréa, She had murky green eyes and a sharp jaw line.

"Here's your menu." She said, her voice a little quiet. Obviously not use to being a waitress. I smiled up at her.

"Thank you, I like your earrings." I said. Her hand went up to one. The earrings were blue studs with a infinity sign in it.

"Thanks, um, the special is fish and chips. But I would go with something else." She smiled and took down our drinks. I ordered a water, while Nico got a sweet tea. She walked away with her head held a little higher.

"You're a good person." Nico mentioned as she left. I gently shook my head no.

"Not really, she just seemed to be having a hard time." I wanted to move on.

"Besides, you're a better person." I raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to question it.

"I don't think you quite realize that I am a anti social asshole." His eyes looked up. The entire interior had wooden planks. The lights had cascading yellow glow. His eyes were now a golden color that resembled his sister's.

"You may be anti social, but you're not an asshole. You're just blunt." I explain

"Nah, I'm an ass. I could be nicer about what I think. I just choose not to." He shrugged. I disliked that he saw himself like that.

"No Nico. That's just being truthful. Some people like it hard. Some people like it watered down. It just depends on who you are." I paused, the thoughts flitting into place.

"You're not the asshole, it's just people in general." I finished.

He looked at me, his eyebrows scrunched.

"That's a paradox though. If people in general are assholes that would mean we're assholes too. Because we're people, Will." He laughed suddenly.

"And if everyone's an ass then how would we even know what an asshole is?" He smiled.

"Maybe some people are better at hiding being an asshole?" I wondered aloud.

"Yeah, or-" Nico started, but then Andréa was back.

"Here's your water and tea." She said. "Have you chosen what you want to order?"

"Yeah I want the pot pie and for the side I'd like some mashed potatoes." I told her. She looked towards Nico. His face flushed and he looked nervous.

"I um want the chicken alfredo with garlic bread." He said quickly. His eyes glancing up t hers and then down.

She nodded and went to place o it order.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, My foot under the table jabbing his shin.

"I just don't like ordering food. It gives me anxiety." He shrugged his shoulders. I didn't really understand. But I understood that he felt nervous and I wanted to help with that.

"It's okay, next time I'll order for you." I smiled.

"Next time?" He asked, his eyebrow raised. I felt shock and then quickly tried to fix my mistake.

"I mean if that's okay with you. You don't have to- like- go again somewhere. I- I just was thinking slightly ahead and oh fucking gods I'm just digging myself a deeper hole." I covered my face.

Nico laughed across from me. His hand on his drink and straw posed right before his mouth.

"Jesus Christ Will, you're so cute when you're flustered." He let out. Then it was his turn to realize his mistake. I leaned in closer.

"So I'm cute, huh?" I smirked at him. I acted like I was told I was cute all the time. But in all reality those words were ringing in my ears.

He rolled his eyes at me. Then sipped his tea, while I sipped my water. Suddenly I looked him in the eye and took a really long sip. He smiled against the straw and did the same. Soon it became a contest on who could finish their drink first. His drink was rapidly disappearing while mine was still halfway there. I choked and he drew away for a second to laugh. I took the opportunity to finish off mine.

"That's cheating!" He cried. But it was too late. I'd finished my drink and won.

My stomach was now full of water. The air in the restaurant light and nice. Nico sat across from me with his eyes glowing. He was having a good time. I was as well. This was going wonderfully.

Then there was a cry of despair on the other side of the restaurant.

A/N Aye fam, what it doo. Cliffhanger right? The whole anxiety thing with the waitress is something I have every time. I always make someone else order for me. And when I have to pay for something I make someone else do it. Does anyone else have these problems? Tell me about em in the comments. Okay love ya


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