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The scream snapped something in me. Suddenly I was on the ground, crouched underneath the table. A dinner knife in my hand. I looked over and Nico was next to me. His sword already drawn. Sometimes I didn't even noticed it was there. But there it was, sucking the light.

He glanced at me. "I'll go around this way." He pointed to his left. "And you go that way." He pointed the other way. I nodded and began to do quiet lunges around.

The restaurant was quiet. Before it was bustling and warm. But now it was cold and eerie. I passed a person, their eyes looked straight up at the ceiling. I checked his pulse.

Tha-thump tha-thump

He was fine, but knocked cold. I didn't know what was happening. And I felt immediate gratitude towards Chiron for training us.

I was soon at the place of the scream. I looked across and Nico was flat against the ground. He rolled under a counter next to him. A footstep edged closer, and then there was one. A foot that was huge with three toes that had long protruding claws. I bit my cheek to keep from gasping and hid under a table.

The creature came more into view. It was extremely tall, it's head only a few inches from the ceiling. It turned towards me. Its skin a peeling green color. Its eyes rolled back and where the whites should there was nothing but blood. There were blood droplets dripping off its chin. Its lips sagging and showing teeth that were chipped and black.

I clasped a hand over my mouth, trying to muffle my breathing. But it was already coming towards me. I didn't think it saw me, but it definitely sensed something. Soon it was right next to the table. I could hear it's wheezing breaths and the scratching toenails against the wood planks.

I tightened my hand around my dinner knife. I knew full well that this wouldn't kill it. But hopefully it would slow it down. I took a deep breath, trying to get my resolve together.

I turned quietly. I could hear it bend. Its skin squeaking together like leather. It put it's clawed hand on the table and pushed it slowly away. I looked it dead in its eyes, the blood droplets now falling in me. I suddenly stabbed it's eye quickly, the fluid pouring into my hand. I cried out in disgust but kicked it away.

"Will!" I heard Nico shout. My heart is pounding as I get up to run. I glance back and Nico's moving towards me. His eyes lighting up with excitement. He liked this, this adrenaline. But there was that underlying layer of fear too. He didn't want other people to get hurt.

"We gotta kill it." I yelled at Nico, it was catching up to me. I knocked over tables behind me, trying to slow it down. But it's legs were long and it ran right over them.

"Shit, Shit, Shit!"Nico cursed behind me. He was running after the creature. His sword withdrawn and pointed down. He looked at me, his eyes scared. But I suddenly felt the need to laugh. This is what I did last time. I ran, while he fought. Our situations always entwined like this.

But then the creature was on me. It pinned my arms down and was screaming in my face.

"That's a bad case of halitosis you got there, buddy." I said. It screamed louder. Almost like it wanted to say something. Why didn't it just eat me? But then there was Nico, he grabbed it's head and jutted his sword to its throat.

"Nico, wait!-" But I was too late. The creatures throat was slashed open. Its blood spraying onto my face and into my orifices. It crumbled to dust and was gone.

"Will, you okay?" Nico leaned over me.
"Dude, I got monster blood all over me. How the hell can I be okay?" I felt frustrated. I just wanted a date with this guy. But mothafucking monsters and shit gotta come out of the blue. But then I looked at Nico and he looked hurt.

"I'm sorry, Nico. I just wanted this date to be perfect." I shrugged my shoulders and gave a weak laugh. "Crazy wish, huh?"

"Yeah, a little." He paused. "Hey we put masking scent on right?" He asked. I nodded. Some time back the Hephaestus Cabin produced this pheromone that changed into the of a normal mortal. It didn't last long. Maybe a few hours. But it should work.

"And the blood, Will." He took his hand and put it against my cheek. Despite the circumstances I flushed. He pulled it away, his hand now tinged with red.

"The blood isn't ichor." He said, dumbfounded. I was too. Monsters had a golden like blood. Not the red stuff.

"But it still turned to ash." I said. A definite monster feature.

"Yeah, but why didn't it just eat you?" Nico asked, his eyebrows furrowed together. He was so calm after this. It reminded me that he practically went rogue for years. That he fought in his own all the the time. The guy probably killed more monsters the Heracles.

"I don't know. It just screamed in my face like it was trying to tell me something." I shivered.

"But what-" Nico was cut off by a man grunting loudly as he woke up. How did the monster do that? It put everyone in a trance like state.

"We gotta go." I whispered-yelled to him. He nodded in agreement.

We went outside and Nico summoned Jules Albert. We drove back to camp in a perpetual silence. Nico in his thoughts, trying to figure the puzzle out, and I trying to understand why I wasn't killed. I took my hand to my face again. The blood dried on there. I decided to leave it on in case the Athena Cabin wanted to analyze it.
After we told Chiron and Dionysus everything we went straight to the Hades Cabin. I shivered at the thought of being alone and I think Nico sensed that.

"Hey, how you holding up?" Nico looked at me worriedly. His lip was being attacked by his teeth.

"I'm fine." I muttered. But I wasn't fine. I wanted to know what was going on. We killed something that wasn't going to kill us. That's what messed with me. I could still see it head jerking back and then Nico's sword slashing thought muscle and tendon, it's esophagus open wide and splayed out. It gasping for a second before dying. The blood spraying in my face. I stopped and puked.

"Hey, hey." Nico patted my back. "It's alright, okay. You're okay."

I wiped at my mouth and stood up straight.
"It's not even like I'm faint hearted or anything. I've had to do surgery, give birth, and so much more. It's just that it felt like murder, Nico." I worried my own lip now. The acidic taste in the back of my throat.

"Yeah. I know." He whispered. I looked at him and he was looking at his shoes. His mind was in that dark place too. He did the action, while I was just a bystander.

"It's not your fault, Nico. We-
You didn't know." I rubbed circles into his back. He relaxed a little and then swiftly hugged me. I tensed for a moment. Then happily hugged back. The embrace only lasting a few seconds. He slid out of my arms and I immediately felt the lost. Then a thought hit me that ran cold blood into my toes.

He's starting to trust me

A/N So this chapter is really long! 1275 words, dayum son!! Lemme know what you guys think. I had lots of fun writing this chapter cause I thought about them having sex or something and Nico could call Will 's area a Willy. Lol long-ish authors note too. XD love you. Please vote!!


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