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The air was suffocating. I sat in front of Nico. His shoulders slumped, his eyes hollowed out. His hair wet and laying flat. I looked around. It was black.

"NICO!" I yelled. He jerked up. His mouth was taped and I reached over to rip it off. His lips were sealed together. Then his eyes widened and there were screams. His lips were closed but there were just screams and screams.




I was tearing at my hair. My fingers in my ears. Then Nico's eyes were closing, closing. His face sinking in.

"No, no, no, no." I screamed over the dying screams. I took his body into mine.

"Don't leave me. Don't. I love you. Don't die. Please Gods no." Tears were down my face. His body now in my lap.

He laid in the pitch darkness. His screams silenced. I wished for those screams back, more than ever.


I gasped. I sat up and frantically looked around. Nico was laying next to me, his eyes closed.

No no no- wake up. Wake the Fuck up.

I jerked him hard. His eyes flew open and I'm crying. His eyes are wild and he's reaching out. He's holding my shoulders and asking what's wrong. His eyes scared. I just wrap my shoulders around him, his frame so small. I'm holding him so tight.

"Will, it's okay." He rubbed his hands over my spine. "I'm here."

I just sob. Then I think. The creature it was after Nico. First the restaurant, then Hazel.

"Nico." I pull back. A little calm. "The creature it's after you."

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and then his eyes widened. Then his fingers are through his hair.

"Its my fault then, Will." He whispered. It was still dark. His hair was still pulled back from last night. Tufts of it falling out. His eyes are wide in terror.

"No, baby, no." I said, pulling him closer.

"It is. It is, can't you see?" He extended his hand toward Hazel. Her monitors beeping and her eyes closed. Open them please.

"She wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for me." He put his eyes to his forearms. I didn't know what to say. This was all happening too quick.

"You don't know that."

"Neither do you." Then he pulled away and laid back on his sleeping bag.

"Sleep." He told me. And I did.



Waking up hurt. Made my stomach clench and my eyelids twitch. I turned over to Nico, but he wasn't there.

I scrambled up. I looked around. On Hazel there was a piece of paper.


His handwriting was so beautiful.

I'm sorry. This isn't forever. I just have to find the creature. I can't have anyone else hurt around me. I just can't. I'll come back. Hopefully.

Just know it'll be okay. Sorry.

-Nico di Angelo
I kinda really like you.

I stared at the note. I didn't reread it. I didn't need to. He was always clear. The end of the note made sense in a way. He didn't want to say I love you but he wanted me to know he cared for me too.

But then I fell onto my knees and I looked up at the fluorescent lights. I screamed.

"NICO COME BACK!" I clenched at the bedpost. "I LOVE YOU. I'M LIVING FOR YOU. YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE LIKE THIS." My voice was dying. My face was,so red with anger.

"Just come...back." I whispered. My throat hurting now. "I just love you so much. I curled into the fetal position and cried. I cried with my entire body. I felt the tears come from every crevice. I felt the hurt from within me.

"What about staying, Nico?" I asked aloud. My heart cracking and shattering.

"What about staying with me? I promised that to you. Didn't you promise that to me?" But it didn't really matter what I said. He was gone.

The reality of it was that life isn't like the movies. No one is going to come and make you feel better when you need it. No one is always there. People leave. People die. People simply lie. No matter what the fates or the gods had to say. There was always this feeling of hurt and betrayal. This feeling of wishing something back.

It wasn't the first time I felt this either. It reminded me too much of when I sat on the bleachers behind a church. I had to get away from everyone because I kept getting irritated with myself. I couldn't feel anything that day. It felt stifling. Then this dark tan colored came up to me and rested his head in my shoulder. Tears pricked my edge of vision and I didn't know why. But the dog stayed. And so did I.

A/N Okay, shorter chapter. By shorter I mean 774 words. Thanks for reading! Vote, comment, add, the whole cookie. Love you beans!


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