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"The thing is, Nico, you gotta eat." It had been two days since the incident. There hasn't been much activity going in. And Nico di Angelo, that guy I'm in love with, was being stubborn.

"I got stuff to do, Solace." He said, walking away from me. I hurried along.

"Ooh last names. Alright di Angelo but in order to do those things you need energy. And to get energy you need-" I held up a bag of Cheetos. "Food."

He glanced at the Cheetos, bit his lip. Then looked at me.

"Cheetos are pretty delicious." He smirked and went for them. I watched as he ate. His jaw moving quickly and his fingers were perfect. They were all equally proportioned, not too small, yet not too big. But they were strong. He could carry swords easily, and he was able to spin easily as well. I admired,that about him.

"Are you- uh- staring?" Nico said, snapping me out of my trance.

"I mean if you want some, you can have some." He tilted the bag towards me. I snickered at some.

"Awe, selfless too. You're perfect, y'know." I poked his side and took a Cheeto.

"Um no." He stretched his legs out in front of him. It was nice out. The sun was warm, but not achingly so. The sky was blue, and clear. I silently thanked Zeus and my dad.

"Why you so hot?" I said suddenly. Nico nearly jumped in place then looked at me, His face startled. I started cracking up.

"I'm not hot, for one." He placed his hand against my arm. "As you can feel, I'm very cold." I started laughing again. He started up to. It slowly died down though. Then we were just sitting on his porch as usual.

"You are really cute though." I told him.

He rolled his eyes. "Do you not realize that I am death?"

"Technically you aren't. That's Thanatos. 'Member him? I read bout him in-"

"Oh shut up, I met the guy." He waved his hand through the air.

"Then you should know that you can't be death, but you can be cute." I explained, a smirk making its way onto my face. "Even if it's by default."

He put his face in his hands. "Oh my gods why do I hang out with you?!" His voice muffled behind his hands, but there was also laugh.

"Because I'm hot, and blond, and a doctor." I looked him straight in the eyes. "I'm a very sexy doctor." I deadpanned. He threw his head back and laughed. By gods he was beautiful.

When he stopped there was a pause in the air. His eyes in mine, and mine on his. His hair was up in tufts of black and some of the longer strands pulled back in a bun. He wore a loose grey shirt with black jeans. His frame skinny but strong. The tension seemed to grow and grow until he looked up at the sky, and I could see tiny freckles. He seemed to steel himself for something. Then looked back down at me and smiled and then he kissed me.

It wasn't a fervent, passionate kiss. It was a quiet one. One that we both saw coming. It was his first one though, and his lips were so shaky and cold on mine. I took control easily and smiled into it. It didn't last long, but it still made me feel like I was being electrocuted.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, my voice squeaky.
He smiled. "Cause I knew you wouldn't." He was right. Not yet, I was going to wait. But it said so much that Nico kissed me.

Nico kissed me.

The thought hit me like a freight train. I felt crazy.

"We just kissed." I said, he looked at me with exasperation.

"Well duh, Will"

"We just like actually kissed. Like I got to kiss you. You kissed me first. Oh my God!" I stood up and danced.
"I just kissed you!" I pointed at Nico and he laughed.

"Yeah, I was there, you dork." He was right, I am a dork. But he didn't know I was in love with him. He didn't know how many self made boundaries I broke being with him. He didn't know I lived for him. How many times has he made me smile now? How many breaths have I taken just for him.

"Death boy, you like me." I said with realization.
"Like in a boyfriend way?" The statement more of a question.

"Yeah." He muttered his face flushed.

"What was that?" I said, pretending not to hear him.

"I said 'yeah'." He said.

"You're gonna have to be more clear."

"My shit fuck, Will, I want you to be my boyfriend!" He yelled. I laughed again. He ran his hands through his hair. But a smile played on his lips.

"I'm gonna be the best boyfriend, Nico. I'll sing to you, and tell you stories-"

"Oh gods no."

"Oh yes. And we're gonna eat ice cream and watch Netflix."

"Alright I like that." He smiled I walked back over towards him.

"And I'm going to kiss you." I whispered. Pecking his lips. "All" kiss "the" kiss "time."

"I definitely like that." Nico smiled.

"Good." He leaned against me. What he didn't know was that I was mentally screaming inside. Mostly because finally! I looked down at him and breathed in his hair. That citrus smell filling my nose.

Then Chiron came towards us an on his back was Hazel, looking deathly pale.

A/N This chapter here was suppose to be more fluffy and funny. Do you think I did okay on that? Right now I'm reading the manga version of Attack on Titan and oh my Fuck it's good. Anyways thanks for reading. Vote and Comment what you think!! Love you!


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