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"What's wrong?!" Nico screamed over his sister. His knees were digging into the ground. His hands beside his head and hovering right above Hazel's paling body. He didn't quite touch her, as if he was afraid of making it worse.

"I-I thought you could help." Chiron explained, his own voice shaking.

I rushed over to her and checked her pulse. It was weak, but steady. I listened to hers breaths. They were shallow. I pulled back an eyelid and waved my flashlight over her eyes, her pupils dilated, but half heartedly.

"Why? Why does she look like that?" Nico asked me, his eyebrows scrunched in fear. His iris' searching for an answer. I looked down and saw his legs clenching. He was trying to keep his power under control. He could accidentally suck the life right out of her.

"She's weak. We need to hook her up to some machines." I said, my voice steady. This is what I was good at. I knew how to react. I may not be able to fight, but at least I was good for this.

I picked her up quickly, and rushed her towards the infirmary. I quickly put an IV in her arm, a mixture of nutrition and nectar. I also put her on an air machine to make her breaths longer. That way more oxygen could get to the brain.

I turned to tell a nurse to get me an MRI ready when I saw Nico.

"I can't lose her." His voice trembled and his hands were going through his hair. My throat tightened up and I put on my doctor face.

"She's stable, Nico. We just need to see what's wrong." I put my hand on his shoulder. He bit his lip hard.

"Do you think it's connected to that creature?" He asked. I raised my eyebrows, I hadn't even thought of that.

"I don't know. But two incidents like makes sense."

"We need to figure it out." His look determined.

"We will. I -just- I'll save your sister, okay? She'll stay alive. I promise." I glanced at her, the situation grim.

"Don't promise that Will." His voice cold. "She could die. Don't promise me something you might not be able to keep."

I suddenly remembered Percy's promise and I winced.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I just want her to be okay. I take it back." I felt this helplessness over the situation. I couldn't really do much more for her. We could pump her full and give her checks and all that, but either way it could go one of two ways. Either she woke up, or she died.

"Thank you, Will." He said quietly before turning towards his sister. He took her hand carefully, afraid to touch it.

An hour later after Chiron told us what happened. We left with our hearts heavy. We went back to the infirmary. I sat in a chair across from Nico. In between us was Hazel, her breath curling in and out.

Chiron told us that she collapsed on the way here to visit. That there was this scream and then she just collapsed.

"The creature put all those people at the restaurant in this kind of state as well." Nico mentioned. My hands were clammy. I hated this.

"Yeah, I'm going to look into it and see if they're still like this." I quietly said.

The air was empty of words for a few minutes. Only the heart moniter beeped.

"This is what happens every time, Will." Nico shattered the silence.

He looked at me and his eyes were glazed over. He seemed so glass-like.

"They always die, Will. I always kill them." His voice was a whisper.

"You've never killed them." My own voice was rough. I shouted too many orders for Hazel's sake.

"But I did. I was born and Mama had to die for that. I was a bother and Bianca had to die for that." He paused. "Ti amo, Hazel. I love you." He choked for a second and then breathed hard.

"Nico, you're not a bad person." I didn't know what I looked like anymore. I knew I felt a pit in my stomach. I knew my heart physically hurt. I knew that I wanted to hug Nico. But I also knew he needed the space.

"You don't know the things I've done. The things I've attempted to do." His voice sounded heavy and he pulled at the collar of his shirt. Then ran his hands down the sides of his face.

"That doesn't matter." I hated this, I hated seeing this. I hated that so many things had happened and now we were both broken. That I wanted to say so much, but all my words were stopped. I hated that he couldn't see himself from my point of view.

"Will, I killed people." His voice was sharp edged and angry.

"You didn't kill Octavian-" I began.

"Not just Octavian. Bryce Lawrence. I killed him. When I went rogue, I killed." He blinked hard. "I've seen such terrible things, Will. So many terrible people."

"I have too. I've done terrible things too." We all had, in a way. Whether we let ourselves see it. We all had a sob story.

"W-who else did you kill?" I asked gently.

His eyes turned stone cold. Then he looked me in the eyes.

"Do you really want to know?" His voice harsh.

I hesitated. Did I? But I loved him. I'm sure he had reasons. He was a good person. I knew he didn't like this. I knew that the weight of it all ate at him. I knew he felt guilty.

"Yes, I do." I sounded sure.

"Okay." Then he began.


A/N This chapter is pretty depressing, guys. Thanks for reading though! I just feel like since that since Nico went rogue for a while he had to do some pretty grim stuff. Plus when he had to kill Bryce Lawrence it didn't really seem like the first time he'd done that. Just my suspicion. Thank you guys, love you! <3


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