Chapter 11: Believing What He Doesn't

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Hello there! Yes, I have finally updated. Seamus and Iris are together, which is good. I wanted to thank those of you who have been reading this and I hope you enjoy future chapters.


Iris's Fifth Year:

The screech of my new owl was impossible to ignore. I ran up to my room where I heard Sparrow and retrieved the letter in his beak. Sparrow then flew into his cage patiently waiting for me to finish reading the letter.

Dear Iris,

I got your last letter. We should try to find a way to see each other in person this summer but leaving Ireland won't be easy. I'd try to go along with my mother to the Ministry by floo network and spend the day with you, but she doesn't think I'll be safe trying to find you in London. I'm sorry. But I will try and find you in Diagon Alley soon. I'm familiar with your Aunt's bakery so I'll look for you there.

Anyway, I assume you've read the Daily Prophet. Harry Potter had a hearing about doing magic outside Hogwarts, and his story saying that You-Know-Who has returned. My mother and I personally think that it's not true. I even wonder if he killed Cedric the night of the third task. No one was there, so how can we believe You-Know-Who killed him?

I wish I can continue writing right now but there's something I need to do. And Sparrow seems to be searching my house for mice and he's kinda making a bloody mess. I'll try looking for you in Diagon Alley soon. If I don't see you there, we'll most likely see each other on the Hogwarts Express. See you soon, love you.


I put down the note and looked at Sparrow. "Do I have to train you to not eat Seamus' house mice?"

Sparrow screeched and I giggled. I looked back at the letter re-reading the last sentence. Seamus and I were dating for nine months and Seamus never said, "I love you." Well, he didn't really say those exact words in the note. Just, "Love you."

A week later I was in Diagon Alley at my aunt's Bakery taming little kids running about the shop.

"So sandy colored hair, blue eyes, and sorta short. Am I correct?" Aunt Annabelle asked me.

"Yes, correct," I said finding my way back behind the counter. "You promise you'll keep an eye out for him?" I asked.

"Of course."

A majority of my holiday included working in the bakery. I kept my eyes peeled for Seamus, but he never showed. Other friends of mine came into the store like the twins and Nigel and Neville, but never Seamus. I understood that it'd be hard for him to find me in London. I kept telling myself not to dwell on it. I'd see Seamus on the Hogwarts Express and it would be fine.

September arrived soon and I couldn't have been happier. Aunt Annabelle had dropped me off and I boarded the Hogwarts Express. I seated myself in the first empty compartment that I could find. The door opened behind me, and before my eyes, I saw that Seamus was right there smiling at me.

"Hi," I answered shocked. This was the first time I had seen him in months.

"Hey, beautiful," he smiled back.

I quickly hugged him. He hugged me back happily, so glad to see me.

"I missed you," I said.

"I'm really sorry we weren't able to meet up this holiday," Seamus apologized sounding guilty.

"I don't care. I get to see you now, that's all that matters."

Seamus grinned. He leaned in to kiss me and I kissed him back without even thinking about it. The fact that he was embracing me made me happy. The door opened once again and Dean was looking at us in surprise.

An Unnoticed One [A Seamus Finnigan Fanfiction] [CURRENTLY BEING EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now