Chapter 19: Project Grab and Run

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New Year's Eve had ended and students returned. In between that, Seamus and I snuck into the kitchen two more times. Last year after one of the Gryffindor Quidditch team's wins, Fred and George brought back loads of snacks from the kitchens. Everyone was impressed with how they managed to do it. Inside me, I knew I could do better than them.

I had devised a plan on how to bring in more food than the twins ever did. I planned everything, who was going to be a part of it, who was taking what, and when we would do it. It had to be after our next quidditch match. Everyone had high hopes of Gryffindor winning the quidditch cup, and how else to celebrate by bringing in tons of food.

"So I'll need Luna to keep watch while Neville, Nigel, Seamus, and I gather anything you can get your hands on," I instructed the others at breakfast. "I'm talking pastries, cookies, rolls, anything really. Steak and kidney pie would even do."

Neville skimmed my layout I had written down. Seamus was barely listening because he had been reading the parchment with notes I had given him. Nigel listened in while Dean looked like he thought this idea was mad. And it was. And it had to be done.

"Our next match isn't until March," Dean informed me. "Why are you planning now?"

"Because, the earlier we plan, the better the act will be."

"It's insane," said Dean.

"No it's not," Nigel interrupted. "it's brilliant." His smile stretched from ear to ear. Nigel was completely on board.

"It's insane," Dean repeated.

"It's insanely brilliant," Nigel corrected him.

I pointed my finger at Nigel. "And that's why I like you the best," I laughed.

"What happens if Gryffindor doesn't win?" Neville wondered.

"If Gryffindor does win, it'll work as a celebration. If we don't win, then it'll be able to cheer everyone up. Regardless, even if Gryffindor wins or loses, we'll still have a lot of food and will beat Fred and George's record."

"It's still an insane plan," Dean uttered. He turned to Seamus. "Isn't it an insane plan?" Dean asked Seamus.

Seamus was still reading his notes. Not hearing a word of the plan. He looked up, still having no clue as to what we were discussing.

"What?" Seamus asked.

"Never mind," Dean murmured. "So you really think you can go through with this?" Dean wondered.

"Yeah. There's twice as many people gathering food, so we'll definitely beat their record."

"Why exactly are you trying to fill in for Fred and George?" asked Neville.

"Because," I began. "Hogwarts needs a new jester to help bring light in this world."

There was a sign pinned to the notice board in the Gryffindor common room. It was a quite a surprise for us six years:

APPARITION LESSONS. If you are seventeen years of age, or will turn seventeen on or before 31st August next, you are eligible for a twelve-week course of Apparition Lessons from a Ministry of Magic instructor. Please sign below if you would like to participate. Cost: 12 galleons.

Several students signed up for lessons. The idea of just disappearing and appearing somewhere was fascinating to think about. The twins would always do it when I visited them in the joke shop. It bugged me, but mostly because I envied them for being allowed to perform such a wondrous act of magic.

Seamus was looking forward to apparating. During our Charms class with Flitwick, it was all he was talking about.

"How cool will it be when we can apparate, just like that. Me cousin Fergus does it just to annoy me, you wait till I can do it back. He'll never have another peaceful moment . . . ."

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