Chapter 8

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Once we finally admitted our feelings for each other Clarke and I couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. Whenever we put Aries down we'd spend the rest of the night making up for lost time. I learned new things she liked, I explored her body over and over again. It always ended with her pressing her lips into my shoulder as she screamed my name.

I never thought I'd be this happy. I thought the earth would always bring pain and heartache. But the moment Aries was born I knew that wasn't true. He was a miracle in disguise, a blessing to the entire camp. He kept us laughing and he made sure he knew what it meant to love. And he had brought Clarke and I together. We were closer now than we had ever been before. I couldn't thank my little guy enough for that.

The weather got warmer, Aries got bigger. Now that he was crawling he was a bundle of energy. The cabin was getting to be too small for him, he was getting into everything and causing trouble here and there. Clarke was always laughing when she scooped him up and scolded him for getting into her clothes. I couldn't believe how fast time was passing.

We decided to take him to the lake on our first day off in the late spring. Since he was crawling around now, it was only a matter of time until he got up and walked.

"Did you grab a bottle?" I asked as I we walked slowly through the gates. Octavia and Lincoln were already there waiting for us. But we had a baby so it took us longer to get ready. I'm sure they didn't mind waiting together. I was happy my sister found happiness long before I ever did.

"Of course I did," her fingers were laced through mine. Aries was strapped to my back on his new little seat. He kept kicking and giggling as we walked.

I kissed her cheek, so in love with my little family. I took in a breath and then it happened. Aries kept giggling as he reached for Clarke's hair, "ma. Mama."

We both stopped, the trees keeping the sun out of our eyes. I let out a breath and Clarke's eye were huge, "did you hear him?"

I nodded, "yeah," I pulled off the seat and held him up, "Aries. Say it again."

He looked at Clarke and tapped her cheek lightly. I saw the tears in her eyes as she smiled, "hi! Mama."

She laughed as he pulled him into her arms. She was crying as she kissed his cheek. The moment was more than bittersweet. I knew I'd have to explain what happened to his mother one day. I'd have to tell him how she wasn't here because she let him live. When he was old enough he would know that Gina loved him.

But for now he had Clarke.

Aries smiled as Clarke loosened her grip and then looked at me, "dad-dy."

It was my turn to stop and marvel at this child calling me by my name. Tears choked me as I reached for him, hugging them both, "yeah. I'm daddy."

I hugged them both in the middle of the woods. I held them tightly, feeling Aries giggles, Clarke's heart beat and knowing this was the only place I ever wanted to be. With the two people who meant so much to me.

"He said his first words," she laughed as she wiped away a tear, "okay his second words. But still. He called me mom Bellamy."

I kissed her softly, Aries between us, "he loves you too Clarke."

We settled into the grassy bank as Clarke sighed, "you know I'm not trying to take Gina's place right? Because I don't want you to think I would ever let Aries forget about his mom."

I smiled, "I know," I swung my arm around her shoulders, "but I'm glad he has someone like you. I'm glad he has a mother figure. I was afraid he wouldn't get one. We both know he wouldn't turn out as amazing as he is if you weren't here."

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