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Clarke's POV

Life flew by after Bellamy recovered from falling off the wall. He was a big baby once he got over the initial pain. I had to force him to stay home with Aries and me instead of going back to work. He had a concussion. I wanted to make sure he was okay.

Sure I used my doctor card to extent his healing a little longer than he needed. But I was his nurse and what I said went. Which meant we spent three beautiful days in bed together. Just me and Bellamy and our son. It was my perfect version of heaven.

Aries took his first steps almost a month after Bellamy got better. He pulled himself up and just walked to me as I was getting dressed. It was amazing, Bellamy's eyes had filled with tears and I couldn't stop smiling as he fell down on his butt. That boy was brave and he would survive this world. Because he had the courage his father had handed down to him.

The courage to do whatever he set his mind to.

After Bellamy proposed to me I told my mom. Her and Kane had been more than happy and celebrated with us once Bellamy was better. Octavia and Lincoln came over and it was a big old party. The entire camp was happy for us, Raven most of all. I never took that ring off and I think she was happier about that than Bellamy was. Because she had worked hard to make sure it was beautiful and yet simple, the way I was.

Bellamy understood that compliment more than I did.

I was breathing heavily as Bellamy pulled himself back up to the top of the bed. My shirt was gone and so was his. I gasped as he pressed a kiss into my shoulder, his warm arms wrapping around me as the final course of my high ran down. I would never get enough of him. Not even if I lived a thousand lives beside him.

I laughed as he pressed his face into my neck, "I love our days off," I whispered as he pulled the fur up around us.

He laid down on the pillow and smiled at me, "I love you Clarke."

I smiled, "I love you too."

He leaned in to kiss me just as a tiny little face popped up beside in the bed, "hi!"

We both started laughing as Aries tried to climb up in with us. I sighed as Bellamy lifted him up on his side and my heart caught. Ever since he filled out and got more features he looked like his father. But when they sat together like this, I couldn't believe how alike they looked. He got all his features from his father, there was no Gina in him at all.

His skin had darkened to match his father's. His little cheeks were chubby, his brown eyes bright. He eyelashes were long and the hair. His shaggy hair was my favorite thing just like his father's. I shook my head as they sat there together and Aries giggled. Bellamy was tickling him as I pulled my shirt on.

"How old are you today, Aries?" I asked as Bellamy brought his hand up. He held one finger up, "yes! You're so big."

Aries giggled, "mama," he threw himself at me. I caught him before he could pounce on my stomach. I blushed as Bellamy noticed, his son kissing my cheek. He learned how to give actual kisses a few weeks ago. Before that he would lick your face and giggle when you tried to wipe his spit off. Way before that he used the few teeth he had to bite down on your skin. It's safe to say that his real kisses were better than all those early practices.

"I love you too Aries," I smiled as he kissed Bellamy. He didn't kiss one of us without kissing the other.

"We should get ready," Bellamy sounded disappointed, "the party starts soon."

I nodded as he walked into the other room. Aries bounced on my lap, "hey gentle with mama," I whispered so Bellamy wouldn't hear. I held his little hand against my stomach and he giggled, trying to tickle me like we did to him.

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