Chapter 9

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We went to the lake more and more as the water got warmer. Sometimes Lincoln and Octavia would join us, other times it was just the three of us. One little happy family. Today the happy couple came along. Clarke and Octavia talked weddings and babies. My little sister was more than excited to marry the grounder who had become her best friend. I was jealous, he made it look so easy to find a happy ending.

I was still terrified to ask Clarke.

I mean we had moved in together. We fought less now that there was more kissing involved. Aries kept us busy and we always found time for each other at night once we put him down. But still the idea of getting down on one knee and asking her to spend the rest of her life down here on earth was terrifying. Mostly because I never thought that was an option I would have. I never thought any girl would want to marry someone like me.

Clarke wrapped her arms around me as we waded into the water. The sun was warm, the water wasn't as cold as it had been the first few times we came. It was the perfect day to introduce summer into our otherwise happy world. I smiled as she kissed my shoulder, a shiver running down my back, "so do you think you want more kids?"

I shrugged, "I mean I want Aries to have a sibling. I don't want him to grow up alone. Are you asking for a reason?"

She gave me that mysterious smile that drove me crazy, "nope. Just wondering."

We splashed around in the water for what felt like hours. Clarke jumped on my back, Aries giggled from Octavia's arms. Lincoln looked in heaven with my sister and Aries. I could tell they were going to be more than happy married. They were going to have a big family, I already knew that by how much Octavia loved her nephew.

Aries eyes were getting heavy. Clarke hoisted him up on her hip, "I think it's nap time for our little man."

The way she said our little man made my heart stopped. I would never get used to how easily she took to my son. How much she loved him as her own.

She kissed me before walking out of the water and onto the bank. I stayed behind with Octavia, laughing as she jumped up on Lincoln's back. He caught her like he always did, which would never cease to amaze me. He was so confident in his love for her. Even when our people were fighting he knew that he was in love with the girl from the sky.

I didn't see what happened. All I know is one moment Clarke was standing facing me with Aries on the bank of the lake. The next she pushed him behind her, his little hands clinging to her shirt. My eyes were on hers as the shot rang out. Her eyes were staring at an empty spot in the field where the meadow opened up.

Octavia screamed, Lincoln jumped out of the water behind me. I caught her before she fell, "no. No. No. Clarke hey."

I tapped her cheek as Aries watched. Octavia came to her other side, "what the hell just happened, Bell? Did our people shoot at us?"

I shook my head, "I don't know. Go get Abby. See if the guards are all there. Please," she nodded and I knew she heard the break in my voice, "hurry."

Octavia ran. Aries held onto my arm as I held Clarke's head on my lap. I let out a slow breath as Lincoln came over and scooped Aries up in his arms. My son was staring at the scene like he couldn't understand what had happened. Then again I wasn't entirely sure what had happened either.

"I'll take him back to camp," Lincoln's voice was hard and it scared him.

"No. Stay. I'll need your help moving her."

He nodded, setting Aries back down as he pulled out his shirt and pressed it against the wound. Aries grabbed my arm and I knew this was a moment he would probably never forget. The moment he almost lost the second mother who loved him even though he wasn't hers.

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