Epilogue II

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I randomly stumbled onto this idea. So I hope you like this little piece I wrote after the story is over....


Being pregnant in the winter months was only slightly better than summer. In the summer it was always hot and I could never get comfortable. At least in the winter the cold air didn't give me red blotches. My mom pulled back my hours in medical and Bellamy started helping with more out of camp trading. Apparently he thought he needed to get everything before the baby arrived. Since winter was only a few weeks away he wanted everything to be ready so he wouldn't have to leave either of us once they arrived.

I looked at the ring on my finger and sighed. I missed my husband. He had been gone longer this time, the guys had been gone for almost an entire month. Trading never took more than a few days to possibly a week. I was worried about him. I hated sleeping without him now.

I wasn't sure how I had survived on my own before. Leaning on Bellamy made the ground so much better.

Our ceremony had been small. Octavia and Lincoln were there, as well as my mom and Kane. I wanted it that way, the people who were our family gathered around and watched us become a family. Octavia held Aries, Lincoln's arm around her waist. Of course their ceremony had been bigger and of course more extravagant thanks to the ground rituals that they included. I just wanted to pledge my love and devotion to Bellamy.

Everything else didn't matter. He was already the love of my life, I didn't need a big show to make sure everyone else knew that.

I ran my hand over my swollen stomach and sighed again. The light was shining through the window in our cabin. Bellamy's side of the bed was cold still. I barely had the energy to get up every day, but Aries helped me. He was my little boy and he would grab my hand and giggle until we went for a walk. Octavia usually met us for lunch and we avoided the topic of Bellamy. I was to emotional to listen to whatever was keeping them away for so long.

"Clarke! My god I think your stomach got bigger," I glared at Raven as she fell into step beside me. She scooped Aries up as he giggled.

"Thanks. I'm so glad you noticed. Here I was starting to think it was shrinking," she laughed as I waddled slowly beside her, "sorry. I just want this baby out. I'm tired and miserable. I want my body and my husband back."

Raven smiled, "I heard they should be home soon. They got tied up at some grounder camp a few miles south of Lincoln's. But they're close, Clarke. You can stop worrying about them."

I sighed, "I won't stop worrying until Bellamy is home. Because if I have to give birth without him I swear I will strangle him myself."

Raven laughed but I was serious. I fought him on going out on this trip. I told him I was so close to having the baby I didn't want him to miss it. He had promised me they wouldn't be gone for more than a few days. He promised me he wouldn't miss the birth of his child. Whenever he gave me those big puppy dog eyes I couldn't tell him no. He was doing this for us, I understood that.

Now I realized I should've fought harder to keep him here with me.

Aries reached for me as we grabbed a table for lunch. Raven told me to stay put and grabbed us both a plate. Raven was a godsend, my feet were killing me today. Swollen ankles were no joke, especially when there was a tiny one year old always begging to be held. He was lucky he looked so much like his father.

My biggest fear was not making it through labor. I was afraid I would be like Gina and I wouldn't be strong enough. I wasn't sure what happened when she had Aries, but I knew without proper medical facilities, it was possible to lose my life or my baby's life. I didn't want to take that chance without Bellamy here. I at least wanted to say goodbye.

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