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"Will you be my boyfriend?"She asked him, flipping her hair away.His green eyes widened and he flinched but he managed to act normal and turned to his locker to open it.

"I thought you don't do relationships," He said nonchalantly.

Ohh so he was keeping an eye on my relationship status.

"Yes, but I like you, in fact, I love you" She lied.

He turned his neck to her and she felt his green eyes penetrated her cheeks.She tried not to gulp.

"You love me?"He asked her.

"Yes," She lied, again.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at her face for another second but, in fact, he was deep lost in his own thoughts.Then he smiled.

"I love you too"He muttered.This time G flinched.

"Let's be girlfriend and boyfriend" She suggested and he grinned ear to ear like an idiot.

"Yes" He muttered and G almost jumped on him.She kissed him and his eyes widened in shock.He broke the kiss.

"What are you doing?"He asked her.

"It's a part of relationship"

"Ok, but here?"He looked around.

"Whats wrong in that?"

"Let's go home" He suggested her.The school was over almost.

"We can't go to my house" She refused curtly.

"Then let's go to my house"

"What about your family?"She asked him.

"They will be so excited to see you, I never had a girlfriend"

I know, idiot

They went to Max's place.In fact, it was a mansion and G had never seen such place before.He introduced her to his housekeeper, his driver and other staff.

"My parents are not home tonight, but you will see them soon, maybe tomorrow," He told her and she was lost in the beautiful interior.His house was huge and so comfortable.Her bile rose in her throat.

What did he do to deserve such luxury?

What did she do to deserve her miserable life?

She felt a very strong hatred in her heart for him.He came closer and took her hand in his, with a smile on his face.She avoided his gaze to conceal her contempt.

"Let me show you my car"

"You can't drive," She said and he chuckled.

"Yes, but I can buy a car"

"Ah" She grimaced.

It was some sports car and looked very expensive.Suddenly, G recalled why she came there.She started kissing him.He gasped and kissed her back.She never kissed anyone before.There were rumors in the school that she had kissed jock boy Josh but they were just rumors.

"I always loved you.The day I saw you in mathematics class, in fifth grade, I prayed that you fall in love with me" He whispered in her ears and she pressed her lips.The guilt started buidling up in her but she managed to shook it.

I should just take his virginity and leave as soon as possible

"Let's make love" She suggested.

He was more than ready ,reluctant but ready.It was really easy.G was planning to weep and beg and put a knife on her wrist but it was so easy, like a piece of cake.Her friend Bonnie did not want to lose her virginity and her boyfriend went through all drama to persuade her.He got what he wanted in the end.

Max was confused and scared to hurt her.But she was very determined.She did not care if she was going to get hurt or anything.He ran his hand through his hair again and again and it was clear he was not enjoying it at all.But they did it anyway. 


"You are a virgin?"He was surprised.

"Why?A popular girl like me cannot be a virgin?I am 16 for god sake" She scoffed and lit a cigrette.

"And I was a virgin" She added and he laughed softly.

Next day she told him that she wants to break up.

"Why G?Whats wrong?"He was shocked.

"I am not into rich boys, sorry," She said and he stared at her face.He realized that he was played.He was suspecting that she will do something wrong but like this?

Everything went normal but he felt G's friends whom he hated the most, always laughed when they passed by him.When he looked at G, she looked down and averted his gaze.If he was near her, she walked away.

His best buddy Logan told him that she had a bet with her friends to rip off his virginity.

"I don't know how they knew that you are a virgin, I never told anyone except my girlfriend and she is not even friends with them"Logan apologized thousand times.The news spread and people found the joke.The guys laughed at him then people forgot... but he could not.

At nights he wept, for all the humiliation and pain he was going through.He used to stole gazes from her but now he could not look at her anymore.

He was angry and hurt.

One night he was playing his guitar and trying to forget things in music.Suddenly he was so angry that he wanted to destroy everything in the room.He broke his guitar, trashing it on the floor and then bolted out of the house.

He decided to confront her for the first and last time.

It was almost four in the morning, she heard some noise in her room, some glass was broken or something.She woke up.What is it?

It was a paper wrapped around a stone.

''You raped me, I will never forget that, and I will take my revenge"

Whats he doing here?

She peeped through the window, yes, it was Max.He was looking up, his face was so pale, eyes were swollen, nostrils reddened.There was so much pain on his face.She was hiding behind the curtain, too scared to face him.

''What have I done ?'' She thought to herself but then try to shook off the guilt.

It was a little game.

He will forget it in few days.

I am sure.

That night she could not sleep at all but he slept well.

What it's like to work for a hot billionaire who has years old grudge for you?

Who thinks you raped him in high school?

He is hurt, angry and very hot.

Please don't be so hard on G, she is just sixteen . and you know how kids are these days

Leave your feedback about the story, I will complete it soon.


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