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Next update will be at 11-spet-2016.I know its a bit late but then i will be able to update it sooner and will finish it in a month or two.

Dating with Max was a cliche thing,it included many little gifts,flowers,chocolates and cuddles.It was a normal dating and Virginia learnt things from him.They went to many places together foe official tours and personal tours.

But they did not sleep together even once.Max knew that she does not want him to see her in her natural condition.But why?She learnt many things from him.Most of all she learnt cooking from him.She bought proper furniture and learnt to live like normal people.

She learnt to cuddle for hours without reaching any climax.It was beautiful.They laid still at the sofa reading different things and without moving.She called it still cuddling and she started loving it a lot,even more than sex.

Virginia told him many stories about her childhood.They were not normal memories.She celebrated every chrissmiss with a new man as her step dad.Her mom used to introduce her to a new man every few months and told her that she will stay with him forever but she always broke up.

She was not sane enough.

Her mom was hardly not retarded.She was sane enough to stay out of mental asylums but she was not enough to cope with normal life.Virginia was born when her mother was only seventeen and she was not able to remember the whereabouts of her father.

Virginia never cared to know about her father.She knew how easy her mother was,men took advantage of her and used her disability.Her mother used to get benefit from government and it was enough money for them both.

Virginia had memories of men ,stranger men.She never mentioned her life as something abnormal,it was her everyday life.She was so used to it.

Max heard her stories and it awed him.He did not showed much to Virginia but deep down he was astonished.

Max on the other hand,had a normal and good family.He was born when his parents were in their forties.They had careers,education and very stable personalities.They were great parents who read many books about parenting.They raised Max to be a perfect man,a complete and happy man.

His memories were happy and it awed Virginia.She heard his stories and asked him questions. It amazed her that he used to go fishing with his father and his mother loved to knit his sweaters.

"Why would she knit them?She was rich,she could buy them?"She asked.

"She loved to knit them"

"You are weird family"She said and he laughed.

"And your dad, why would you fish?You could buy it from market"She asked him.

"Because we wanted to spend some time together"He replied. 

"You love to spend time with people.Alex loves it too.He asks me to watch movies all the time"

"Why don't you go then?"

"I don't know,i don't want to"

"Why you came with me?"

"Because you made me chase you for not giving me what i wanted i guess"She narrowed her eyes and tried to reach some conclusion.

"And Alex is easy to get in the bed"

"All men are"She blurted out and he chuckled.

Unlike other women Virginia had not interest in kids or little animals.She could pass a dying puppy without even noticing it.They were trapped in some village of Europe when Max saw a cat standing at one side of road.It was almost afternoon but it was raining heavily.

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