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"I will buy my furniture first," She told Mrs. Hoover.

She gave her a credit card.Max's credit card.

Just like that.

Like a sticky note

"He says he wants you to have it until you get yours"

But when Mrs. Hoover told her the limit, she trembled.

"I can't take this" She returned it.

"Ohh you will have to talk to him," Mrs. Hoover said and left.She walked to his office and knocked.

"Come in"A plain male voice.

He was staring at one of his three laptops.

"Virginia, how can I help you?"He asked her.

"I cant take your credit card"


"What if I drop the shit," She told him.He eyed her stomach, quizzically."You what?"Then he found the credit card laying on the table and grasped her words.

" cash?"He asked her.

"That's, even more, shit to carry"

"Then I should send Mrs. Hoover with you"

"I am not comfortable with women"

"Are you comfortable with me?"He asked her.

"But you are another load"

"You mean shit load?"He asked her.

"Ohh no no...I meant something else"

"Did you just call me shit?"He asked her.

"No" She stared with wide eyes and tried to squeeze some believable explanation out of her brain cells."Actually, there was this, umm, we at our campus...we played basketball and call it, urgh... load"She finished her babble and then looked at him helplessly with pleading face.With one elbow on the table and hand under his chin, he only locked his eyes with her, without sparing any streak of emotion.

"Can we do it tomorrow?Because then I will be free" He turned to his laptop and she let go her breath.

Will he accompany me?


Ok enough

"Alright" She could only say.Virginia went to see Mrs. Hoover.She gave her oranges to eat but she was very busy to talk to her so she just sat there and stare at the people.The office was so simple.Everyone was just strolling around.She did not see anyone running or in panic.It was a good place, in fact, it was a great place if she had no secret to hide.

Mrs. Hoover was a simple woman, who looked very hardworking and her office was a bit like a granny's house.It was filled with floral decorations.The sofa, where Virginia was sitting was, very comfortable.

Virginia tried to memorize everybody's name.She wrote it on a paper and made a map of everyone working in the office.

Max came to see Mrs. Hoover and saw her drawing the different names.

"What is this?"He asked her.

"I am trying to draw people so I could remember their names later," She said.

"Ohh you don't have to deal with anyone except me and you can remember my name, I am the biggest load here"

"Yes Mr. Max" She mumbled and he flinched,"I mean no Mr. Max, the basketball..."

"Maximus" He corrected her.

"Ohh sorry"

Everyone used to call him Max at school, he never hated it.Why now?

Next day they went for a furniture shopping.It was very awkward and silent drive to some fancy store.He was absorbed in his phone and stylus pen.He sat on one edge of some sofa in the furniture mart and she wandered around.There were many newlywed couples who were so excited.The women gave Maximus deathly glares.They thought of him as a workaholic husband who was ignoring his beautiful wife.

Virginia felt bad for bringing him there.But he was too absorbed to notice anything.He was lost in his own world.When she came back to counter, she looked back at him.He was almost leaning on the sofa with one elbow on it and on leg folded on the side.He looked like some enticing Greek god in a business suit with a phone and stylus pen.

She walked to him and he gave her his credit card.She felt women around her, scoffed, but he did not notice.

Then he suggested for a coffee and her inner devil raised a brow but he talked strictly professional.He was very innovative and he took his father's company to another level.He had many ideas and he was a very unconventional businessman.He had many new revolutionary ideas in his head and Virginia could see he was about to change the industry.

He was so excited about the change he was bringing in the telecom sector.He took pride in his work, his work defined him, it was his identity.There were many articles which refer to him as Revolutionary who will change the corporate world completely.

"I am glad that you are brunette" His remark came out of nowhere.He added more, looking out of the glass window, far away"I hate blondes".It was almost a monologue whisper.For a second, she traced sorrow in his eyes and then he came back to his confident and content self.

She fidgeted for a while and tapped her fingers on her knee.He could see her fidgeting but he did not utter a word and chose to ignore it.

I am a blonde


No, I am not a blonde

I am a brunette now

Feel like a brunette, damn it.

They came to their office and the furniture was delivered.She spent her day adjusting everything.It was very Hogwarts themed.Everyone was flabbergasted.


This is the coolest thing ever.

Coolest office...

People took pictures of her office.And she smiled.It was a great start.Everyone realized suddenly why she.

"An IT engineer with such a great taste in Art is a rare combination," Some girls said those words.

"Yes, she is a unicorn," Max said who suddenly emerged from the door.He was everywhere in the office.One second here and another second, there.

The girls giggled.

It was a happy place where they served organic food and fruits in the lunchtime.Most people were very healthy and thin.It was company's policy that employees and their spouses keep a high attendance at the gym.Some people were in aerobics and some in yoga.Everyone was healthy.

The company had its cafe, the organic cafe and its own gym and swimming pool in the building.It was a new world which had its own rules and it felt so different. Virginia had had a very tough life, working at Takeaways. All the emotional abuse and mental abuse made her anorexic.She hardly eats but it was hard to trace from her body.Her appetite started increasing.

But she was afraid of what was coming next.

She always messed up.

How do you feel about Maximus Cunningham?Do you like him?

What do you feel about Virginia Curtis?Do you like her?

Do you feel he will find out?

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