Chap:20 Me and My dad(Part two)

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I saw my dad weeping at nights.Sometimes when i woke up in the middle of night i saw him sitting on the sofa like a stone.Tears stream down from his eyes.Sometimes i went to him and hugged him and some other times when i was tired i went back to sleep.But i was upset for him.

We moved to bigger house,in fact we moved to a castle.It was so big that we hired a big staff.My dad bought a big tower in the middle of city and there was a very big board over it.Our commercials were at billboards and at tv.And now i had three nannies.One for homework,one for night and one for the day.

One day at school,Miss Kimberley came to me.

"Why do you start fights with other kids all the time,Noah?The principal is going to call your dad soon.But i need to know first.You are such a great kid.What is wrong?"

I told her about dad and his melancholic state and how Karla left.Miss Kimberley listened everything carefully and then said.

"Your dad is very lonely Noah.Why don't you both go on holidays?Why don't you visit your grandparents?They may advise you better?"

I went home and told my dad that i want to see my grandparents.He refused and told me that he had no time but i insisted and threw tantrums.I was laying on the sofa,not doing homework and not eating and weeping as much as i could and my day-Nanny was sitting helpless on one side with one bowel in her hand.My dad showed up and asked her about me.She nodded and showed her helplessness.Dad exhaled and then came to me.

"Noah.Come on,I will take you to mom and dad.Now eat"

I sit down and wiped my eyes and asked him again.


"Yes,Now eat"

My nanny put the spoon and i ate my food.My dad stared at me with anger but then gave up and kissed my cheek and left to work in his study.

My grandparents used to live at the outskirts of Newyork.It was hardly an hour drive but we were so busy most of the time and we did not visit them that much.My dad drove us to the place.He stopped before their house and turned to me.

"Noah, don't tell them about Karla or anything related to Karla.They may take you from me.Do you want to live with me?"


"Then don't tell them anything about her.Promise me"

I promised dad that i will not say even a word.

But i told them everything,about Karla,about her rashes,about graveyard visit and dad and his weeping.I don't know if i should or not but i was worried abut him so i did.

They listened and asked questions and their faces were full of concerns.Next morning when i woke up there was a big argument in the tv lounge.

"How you could you trust a mentally challenged woman with your son?How could you leave Noah with her?"My granny's  voice.

"She was not mentally cahllenge-..."My dad's voice

"And not just mental disorder she had a criminal history"My grand dad's voice.

"Her dad was a criminal not-..."My dad's voice.

"Not just a criminal,he was a famous bank robber and whose news was all over the tv in 90's.People still remember that.His name is on Wikipedia"My grand dad's voice.

"And tell me why she is at fault?She was only few years old when her dad went to jail.She was trying so hard to make a better life.She worked so hard and she deserved the opportunity which none was giving her"My dad's voice.He was talking about Karla.

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