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Ten months fly like that.None knew she was a blonde.And it was a huge problem if anyone knew.

Cunningham's don't hire Blonds.

It was an unsaid rule of the company.Only the senior-most staff knew about it.There were redheads and brunettes but no plain blonds.She asked Mrs. Hoover why and she just shrugged her shoulders.It stressed her more.

Virginia woke up in the middle of nights, wondering what if King Ltd came to know?What would that day look like?What will happen after that?What if Maximux knows I am a blonde?What if my identity is revealed? 

"Since Mr. Maximus took the charge five years ago, we stopped hiring blonds.It was not like this before.There were many senior staff members with blond hair before."Virginia herself knew the reason.Deep down she was hoping that there was some other reason.

But when she came face to face with him, her agony was evaporated in the air.It felt so safe to be around him.Her favourite time was meetings when she sat in the corner and saw him speaking to the room full of people, talking, communicating.He engaged all the people and always decided something in the end.He looked so fascinating leading a group of smart people.

But the best thing about him was, he never let Virginia speak in the meetings.Whenever some query was thrown at her, he answered it himself.He never let her.Virginia found it so chivalrous and she loved it about him.

She sat in the corner and swoon over his jaw moving along when he spoke and sometimes when he got hyper or excited a vein in his forehead became visible.In summers when the air conditioner failed he folded his sleeves up and loosened his tie.Virginia could not help to think about his dong.In fact, she thought about it all the time.But that day it became impossible to resist.

When the meeting was over he asked her to stay as usual and asked for her opinions about the meeting.She showed him her homework and notes.He seemed impressed like always.She was leaving when she turned and collide with him.He was following her to open the door for her.She apologized sheepishly and he stepped back.

"Umm...Mr. Maximus, i..."She stuttered.

Max glanced his watch hurridly.

"You are in hurry?"She asked.

"Yes, I need to see my girlfriend, we are taking our son to doctor today"

"Ohh, ok ...Mr. Maximus, do you do casual hookups?"She asked and Max's squinted but then replied curtly."No".

"Oh ok, that day when I said you are a load I was not saying you are a shit load.I was referring you to be a burden"     

Max just nodded not understanding what she was referring to.When she left he left the building hurriedly.

Next day she asked a co-worker." he is dating someone?"

"Yes, and they are planning to get married"

"Who?I never saw him with anyone?"Virginia was baffled.

"Her name is Kathrine.She comes here so often"

"Ohh, that lady" Virginia sighed.

 It amazed Virginia because Kathrine was not so pretty to match Max's looks.She was not even in that expensive attire.Probably he was way richer than her.But she matched him in one thing...class.

Yes, she had class, she was elegant and educated, well-mannered girl who was brought up in a good home and this gnawed Virginia.Whenever she looked at herself in the mirror.It was written all over her...Trash.Kathrine's gracious smiles and her kindness made her feel so inferior.

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