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"Alright, so here's the number of the restaurant we'll be at," Lily scribbled the digits on a Post-it note. "And, uh, there's some baby food for Harry in the fridge. Help yourself to anything. Can you handle this?" The babysitter (Carly) nodded, "I've watched Harry before." Lily sighed with relief, "Right. It's just I don't want anything to happen to my baby." Carly nodded and took Harry from Lily. "He'll be fine. Enjoy your dinner."

Lily and James kissed Harry in turn. Then they joined hands apparated from the room. Carly carried Harry into the living room and set him on the couch. She blew colorful smoke from her wand's tip and picked up the phone.

Carly hung up with her boyfriend and made her way into the kitchen. "Hungry, Harry?" She pulled a jar of baby food from the fridge. Harry wobbled his way into the kitchen.

Suddenly, there was a harsh knock against the front door. Puzzled, Carly left the baby food and made her way to the door. She opened the door and...


Carly was dead on the floor.

Harry wobbled into the living room. "Harry Potter," The cloaked figure hissed, "AVADA KADAVRA!"

Harry began to cry, "Mummy!" He sobbed. The cloaked figure lay crumpled on the ground. Harry sobbed harder and whaled louder, "Mama!"

About two hours later, James and Lily apparated in. Lily let out a blood-curling shriek at the sight of Carly's dead body.

"Harry!" James dashed towards his son (leaping over the cloaked figure). He grabbed Harry and ran back to Lily. They joined hands and apparated away.


"Albus," James' voice was barely more than a whisper as he spoke into the payphone in downtown London. "Well, uh, it's happened... we're all okay... with a babysitter, Carly O' Conners... dead, yeah, sir... the castle... oh, I have no doubt its the safest... alright then, right outside the gates... thank you... okay, goodbye."

James walked over to Lily, and explained the phone conversation. "James," she interrupted him, "Harry needs medical attention, look at this scar he's got on his forehead!" James carefully brushed away his son's bangs. "That's quite the peculiar shape for a scar, agreed?" He asked Lily. "Your son's badly hurt and your worrying about the shape of a scar?!" She shook her head, "He needs a doctor!" "Madame Pomfrey can see to him at Hogwarts, we should go." James grabbed Lily's had.

A few seconds later, Albus was embracing the family. "Albus!" Lily sobbed. "Oh, dear, it will be alright," he assured her. "Harry's got a nasty scar. I was hoping that Pomfrey could take--"

"A look? Yes. I'd say that's in order," Albus peered through the dark hair at a lightning bolt.

"James," Albus called to him as Lily carried Harry into the castle. "Where is Voldemort?"

James cringed at the mention of the dark lord's name, "In my living room."

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