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"No, Harry." Lily sighed and took her wand from his mouth. She turned the wand over in her hand. Was she really leaving?

"Lily," James called from the doorway, interrupting her thought. "All packed?" She looked at the empty suitcase before her. "Not exactly, sweetheart." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Lily Potter would follow James anywhere, she was sure of that. So why was it so hard for her to leave her home?

"Lils?" James crouched down next to her, and wiped her cheeks. She realized she was crying and looked away quickly. "You don't need to be strong for me," James whispered. Lily turned back to him and buried her face in his chest. "Lily, everything will be okay." James cooed, stroking her orange curls.

Lily pulled away, "I know that. It will be alright, as long as we're together. Harry is the priority, and if Hogwarts is the safest place for him, that's where we are." James smiled, "I knew you would say that."


"That's the kind of mother you are." He gave her a small kiss on the forehead before standing up and motioning to Harry. "Come, Harry. Mummy is going to pack for a while. Let's go get you ready for our trip." Harry's toddler legs kicked, "No go!" He pouted started to cry, "No go! No go!"

Lily picked up her crying son. "Harry, I know, I know." She kissed his forehead. "Don't you want to see Albus?" Harry had absolutely no idea who Albus was and just kept crying. Lily kissed his little hand and handed him off to James, who carried him out of the room.


"Welcome, Potters." Albus greeted them in his office. "You'll be safe here." James examined the office. He still remembered being in some sort of trouble, and he Sirius, Remus, and Peter standing before the headmaster with knots in their stomachs.

"James? James?" Lily shook his shoulder. "Huh?" He returned to present day, and mumbled an apology as he faced Albus. "I was just saying that you three will be staying in some space on the second floor. James furrowed his brows, "What space? I can't say I remember any open rooms." Albus chuckled and straightened his half-moon glasses, "Did you think that with the hundreds of rooms in this castle-- some of which I have still yet to discover-- that we wouldn't find space for you?" James laughed sheepishly as he shook his head. Something about Albus Dumbledoor, probably the fact he was such a recognized figure in the wizarding world, made James feel like he needed to apologize for any mistakes in front of him.

"Thank you, again, Albus." Lily said as she readjusted Harry on her hip. "Please, Lily, quit thanking me. I'm the one who should be thanking you. Harry defeated my worry, and the least I can do is keep him and you guys safe." Lily smiled down at Harry. "He's an extraordinary child," Albus continued, "Have you thought about a second one?" Lily's face turned bright red. James twiddled with his glasses uncomfortably. "I apologize," Albus said as soon as he realized how much this made them uneasy. Lily laughed, "It's fine, really."

He led them to their room. It was huge, and had tall ceilings. James was sure that it had to be two stories. A chandelier hung in the center of the room, right above a table. There was also several couches and chairs arranged in various free spaces, with a 4 post bed nestled into the corner with an elegant crib at its front. "This is marvelous," James exclaimed as he set down his suit case. "I hoped you would enjoy it." Albus said. "Thank you so much, you've really outdone yourself!" Lily gave Albus a half hug, seeing Harry was occupying her left side. "What do you think, Harry?" Lily asked. He giggled, and squirmed, as if he were asking to be set down.

Harry wobbled over to the couch, and with much effort, managed to hoist himself up onto one of its cushions. "I think he likes it," James said, wrapping an arm around Lily. "Of course it's only temporary," Albus announced, "but it's good to have the Potters back in the castle."

Lily and James never felt as if Hogwarts truly was their home more until now.

If James and Lily LivedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora