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"Albus," James shook his head, "really, it's okay." The headmaster waved his aged hands, "No time to question me, let's go." Albus lead the Potters (Harry on Lily's hip) into the Great Hall. The students exchanged murmurs of confusion. Who were these people? A couple and baby?

Albus reached the front of the hall and silenced the students. "Last night, these brave people were faced against Voldemort."

Cringes for all!

"Some of you may remember Carly Nammin. She was watching this baby when he hit. She did not make it. But this one-year-old boy, he, defeated Voldemort! That dark lord was defeated by a baby. Harry will join us at Hogwarts in 10 years. He is the boy who lived."

The students were silent for a minute, until one boy asked, "What about You-Know-Who?" Dumbledoor raised his chin, "For know... we don't have to worry about him. Thanks to

Author's Note:

Sorry that was a short one! But with this book, I really want to make this book great! Thanks so much for reading!!!

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