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"James, I'm not entirely sure the kind of physical state he's in, so I'll lead." Albus whispers to James when they arrive outside the gate to the Potter's property. James was the kind of man to object, insist he could lead, but he just slipped iinline behind Dumbledoor. 

Albus opened the gate and the two slowly crept to the ajar door. Albus lot the tip of his wand and looked in before entering.

"Is he...?" James' voice trails off.

"Yes," Albus confirms, "but, before you get your hopes up, he can return."

"Albus," James asks, "how did Harry do it? It couldn't have been Carly, not from where her body is. How did my one-year-old defeat him?"

Instead of an answer, Albus just shook his head, "Watch his scar."


"How's the hero?" James asked as he stepped into the infirmary.

Lily turned around, "Hero?" James stuck his hands in his pockets, "Lily, uh, Harry defeated You-Know-Who. He's going to be a celebrity!"

Lily sighed and glanced at her sleeping son, "I'm just so happy he's alive."

James nods gravely, "Almost lost him there. But we didn't."

Lily nods and does the sign of the cross as silent prayer. "Lily," James touches her shoulder, "did you ever think that Carly could have been... us?" Lily shut her eyes, "Yes, James. Oh! Carly! What do we say--?"

James interrupted her, "Lily, I'm just so glad you and Harry are fine. Carly... let's worry about her later, okay?"


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