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Harry Potter was walking through Diagon Alley, occasionally being stopped by wizards and witches saying things like: "Mr. Potter?! What an honor!" or "Harry...you're Harry, aren't you? Yes, well it's nice to meet you!" He waved at Neville, who he saw from time to time because his parents knew his. Well, used to know his. Now it was hard for anybody to really know the couple.

He had collected almost everything on his list and Dawn had picked out some nice books by lunch time on the early August day. "What do I still need, dad?" James glanced down at the list. "Only the best thing. A wand." Harry remembered his parents talk of their experiences in Olivander's. How the wands had chosen them.

When the family arrived at the wand shop, Lily took the bag Harry was carrying. "You go in, now." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Aren't you coming in?" She shook her head. "You go in alone, Harry. We'll be right out here."

"Ah, Mr. Potter."

Harry decided not to tell anybody about what the wandmaker had said to him about a certain connection. He already pretty much defeated him.

He stepped outside and back to his family. "Hurry up and show us your wand." Dawn demanded. "Alright, alright." Harry opened the slim box to reveal his wand. "That's a fine wand, son." James said and Lily nodded. "Phoenix," Harry picked it up. "This is off limits, Dawn. Don't you go touching it now. Understand?" The girl crossed her arms. "Fine. Whatever."


"Will you miss me while your at Hogwarts?" Dawn and Harry were having a sleepover in Harry's room that night. "Loads." Harry mumbled and continued reading his quidditch book. Dawn sighed and climbed on the bed next to him. "Harry," she pushed down the book, "come on. Let's spend some time together before you have to go away for a year. Gosh, until I come to Hogwarts in two years, were not going to see much of each other." He set down the book on his nightstand. "Well, I'll be coming home for summer holiday... and Christmas. You'll see me then." Dawn shook her head. "That's only two trips home a year." He wrapped his arm around his little sister. "You're going to miss me a lot, huh?" She nodded and inched closer to him. "You're my big brother. Of course I will. When you leave... I'll be alone. The only kid in the house. That's no fun." "Well," Harry shrugged, "we've got a lot of time before I go away."

Except, to Dawn, that lot of time felt like seconds. The next thing she knew, she was watching her older brother eat his good-bye breakfast. Her school didn't start until the 8th. "Enjoying your eggs?" She asked, trying to break the tension. Harry nodded. "I can hardly eat. Mum, can we go?!" Lily checked the wall clock. "Ten already? Yes, we have to leave now." James walked into the kitchen. "Truck's all packed. We best hurry." Harry sprang to his feet. "I'm ready!" Dawn looked sadly at his open seat. It would take months for him to sit back down in it.

She was the last one in the car, and spent the entire half-hour ride to King's Cross station staring at Harry, who kept blabbing on about Hogwarts.

At the station, she tried to stand by Harry as he went through the barrier, but her mother pulled her back. "Dawn, it's so crowded in there. Stay with me."

Harry was about to climb aboard the train. "This is it." Lily said, embracing her son. "I love you, Harry. I'll write. Everyday. You don't have to write back everyday, but once in a while... I'd appreciate it." Harry smiled. "How 'bout every other day?" Lily kissed the top of his forehead, right atop the scar, "That'd be great." He moved on to his father. "Well, I can't believe it. My boy's headed off to Hogwarts." He hugged his dad. "Just one thing, okay, son?" Harry nodded. "Promise me you'll try to be... well, let's put it this way. You're going to be very famous at school. Just try to be modest. I know you will." Harry straightened his glasses. "Sure, dad." "Oh, yeah. Uncle Remus and James would like it if you sent them a letter now and then, too." Harry nodded. Dawn was last.

She squeezed him tight. "Don't go." He pulled away. "I have to. I'll miss you. I promise to write to you. I'll send Hedwig." Tears welled up in Dawn's eyes. "Don't forget me." He shook his head, and opened his mouth to say something when the whistle blew. "All aboard!" He grinned. "That's me! See ya!" He kissed his mum on the cheek and rushed onto the Hogwarts express. Dawn started to run after him. "Harry!" The conductor held out a hand. "Whoa, young lady. You're not old enough, are you?" She felt tears stream down her face. "But, my brother! Harry!" He gave her a light shove off the train. "He's gone, now. Run along to your parents, girl." She looked at him. Harry didn't finish saying goodbye.

He didn't say goodbye.

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