Chapter Five

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 Last thing I reamber was I was in my room saying bye to my mom and friends and getting wheeled down the hall to the operating room. "Now Amy I am going to put this mask on you and I want you to start counting down from 100 and when you wake it well all be over" John says to me with a big smile on his face. So I start counting to my self ' 100,99,98,97,96,95,94,93,92,91,90' " where am" I ask when i feel a hand holding me but its not a hand I felt before it was warm and it gave me butterflys but as soon as I spoke it let go. I slowly open my eye and I see peopel in my room. " How did I get here last i knew I was in the operating room" Everyone started to laugh " Yep Amy is still Amy" I hear tracy say as she came into view. I couldnt help but smile at that. I go to sit up alittle bit to see better but got hit with a lot of pain out of no where "hey now girl u jst lay right there no moveing around just yet at least for 4-5 more days " I here the doc say as he walked in the room with my mom. " Well everything went greta I might say so and amy here is the youngist one we have done in this hospital so you should be very happy" John says

" Am I going to be ok Like how long before I can can swim" I ask wanting to wear my new bathing suite so badly. " haha not for another 2 weeks now but in no time you well be back to your old self and I would suggest u tell your bf no sex for the next 3 weeks" John says and we all start laughing " sorry but I dont nor have I ever had a bf I would take a girl before a boy any day" I said with tears rolling down my face from laughing so  hard.

 "Ok well just come down so you dont rip open the stiches and just take it easy ok I well be back to check up on you and if all gose right youll be home in 3-4 days" John says and leaves the room.

"How do you feel dear" my mom ask " Well besides feeling like I have been kicked so hard that it feels like the ball sack blew up I feel good I mean weard but good" I said and that got tracy laughing agine " Sweety you lots your balls so ya I hope it hurts" Tracy says after she finally comes down. That brought a smile to my face becouse now I feel like a girl 100% and thats all I ever wanted. " thanks you mom and dad for being here and letting me do this" i say reaching out to them and your can see the tears form in there eyes but they cam over and huged me and told me its ok and they're glad im happy now. With that they said there byes cuz they had to go hom and do some stuff before i was able to come home. So here I am drugged up with my best friend in the room and the girl i have a crush on. " Awww sweety its ok you can come here I dont bite will not heard at least" I say over to Nikki holding my hand out for her. You could see her thinking before she reached over and grabed my hand. Bam thats when the butter flys cam back and i felt comfort once agine. " Y You where holding my hand when i started to wake up" I said while letting go really quick and blushing. I could see her face turn red from the comment " I'm sorry but your mom and tracy where out side at first and your dad was in the bath room I didnt know it would bother you" Nikki said while backing away. Before I could answer I feel back asleep.



After Amy fell a sleep Tracy and I just sat there for about 10 min seeing if she would wake back up and talk more. Ya shes funny when druged up I kinda like this side of her so lovey dovy lol. " Well that was not what I expeted from her" I say out load. Tracy jsut looks over with a confused look on her face. " When our hands touched I dont know why but I had a rush of butterflys and wormth hit me like I need to stay and protect her and be here for her but her look when we touched makes me wants to leave" I started to put my head down up set cuz ya I dont think she likes me like that after the look she gave. " Its ok Nikki she well come around if you feel the way u say you do dont give up on her ok and right now she needs everyone to be strong for here and take car of her" Tracy says to make me feel better which she dose a little bit." Well im going to head home you want a ride" with that I got up and tracy said to go shell stay and wach over her and well call when she wakes back up. With that I left and got in my car.

'Stupid stupid stupid ' I start yelling to my self in the car' Why do I have to have feelings for her when its not me she wants ' I hated my self for falling for her. After 5 min of yelling I decided to go home and change I need to go out tonight.

After 15 min I was home and luckly my mom wasnt I really didnt want to talk to her right now. I ran inside took a quick shower and left to go find my other friends which I all ready knew wherer they where at. 20 min later I pull up to Jeff's house and sure enough there was a party goneing on and my friends where there so I parked my car and walked into find them.

" OMG Nikki where have you been We tried to call you but u didnt pick up all day and your mom said you where out with Tracy and a new girl" Tiffany came running over to me hugging me all worried like. " Its not a big deal ya i was hanging out with Tracy and a girl I have a crush on but I dont think she feels the same way so here I am with you guys" I said hugging back

"Good cuz I got someone I want you to meet but first here you need to ceatch up" She says as she hands me a glass of what looks like a mixed drink. Next thing I know I have a good buzz going and I get pulled over to a girl standing in the corner who I might add dose not look at bad ' I mean shes 5'4" skinny with short blue hair and here eyes where like an ice blue' " Nikki this is andra Andra this is the one I was telling you about" iffany says as she winks and lives us along to talk or what ever. Before I know it we some how got back to my house and where makeing out in my room. I mean it didnt feel right but at the same time I liked it so I went with it. Next thing I know its morning and I can feel a warm body on my skinn as I open my eyes I see blue hair right in front of my face. I get up streatching and look at the beauty laying next to me in bed. With out wakeing her up I get out of bed and make my way to the bath room to clean up. i walk back into my room to see she has wokeing up and was getting dressed. "well morning sun shine sleep well" I ask while kissing her neck.

"Mmmmmmm plz dont stop I like it" she says as she turns around and starts kissing my neck which felt really good. "Well why dont you go get cleaned up and well get breakfest before I bring you home" I said to her and with that she packed my lips and went to the bath room. I go over and look at my phone while shes cleaning up and I see 3 missed calls and 5 messages. All wich where from Tiffany asking me if I left with the girl and what we where doing. The last message was from tracy saying she was going home to rest and Amys mom took over watching her while she slept and wantd to be pick up later to go back. I replyed back to tiffany telling her everything and then told tracy i would be there in 2 hrs to drop her off at the hospital.

Andra came back in my room looking better then last night "So ready to go eat" I ask and she just nodded grabing my hand as we left. "So that I had  great time last night and would like to see you agine" I said to her as we got in my car and headed towards the local dennys for breakfast. After we got done eating breakfest I told her I had to bring a friend to the hospital really quick to visist a friend thats in there and asked if she wanted to go with me to drop her off 'Ya I know I have feelings for Amy but if she dosent fell the same way which I dint think she dose Then I cant force her and I should at least try to move on' I thought to my self.

She agrees to ride along and we grab Tracy and drop her off at the hospital "Hey let me know how shes doing later and I'll see about stoping by tonight ok" I say to Tracy as we drop her off and she said thats fine and me and Andra head out to spend the day togeather.


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