Chapter Eighteen

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  (Nikki's Pov)

                              I quickly run out of the hopital and jump in my car speeding off to who I think is behind all of this. After 5 min I pull up in front of the house and debate on what to say to them. After 10 min sitting in the car I finally get out and knock on the door. As the door opens I push my way into the house and find who I am looking for. "What do you think you are doing she is no threat to you and what you pulled is just out ragius and I cant wait for the cops to find your ass and lock you up for good this time." I say to them as their back is turned to me. "Oh sweety you of all people should know that anyone that is a freak like that needs to die and im shocked your still here and where able to find me after all these years. Now tell me how is the filth of a mother doing since she stood by your side rather her own family?" he says as he turns around to look me in the face "Oh and how did you get past the gate The gaurd should have stopped you" he says with a grin on his face.

      "You should know mom stuck by my when you disowend her for haveing me and im still alive becouse you fall at everything you do you falled as a father and you falled as a grand father you are nothen but an old man that cant just be happy to have a grandchild like me that is healthy and happy no you have to try to ruin it will guss what not going to happen" I scream at my grandfather.  "You are a sorry excuse for a person loving the same sex plz you should be locked up till you die in a cell in the basment where noone will ever see you and get your sickness. and as for your mom shes weak and saw the good in you and refused to give you up when she had the chance." he says glearing at me. "Weak WEAK you think shes weak for loveing me for who i am and supporting me and being the only famliy I have becouse you choose to cut her out of your life. If anything shes strong alot stronger then you and the only one i see here that is  weak is you for being so closed minded." I say with tears starting to come down my cheaks with that said I turn around and start to leave as I reach the door I puse and look over my shoulder "Oh and by the way if you ever go near her or her family or send anyone else after them ill deal with you before the cops can even get here and thats a promise" With that I leave slaming the door behind me. After I get back to my car I head back to the Hospital to let her family know I comformed who did this to amy.

      20 min later im walking into amys room "Did you know that there are two gaurds out side They asked who I was and everything" I say as I enter the room "Oh sweety thats just so no one that should not be here can get in but dont worry your good we let them know to let you in when you came back" Amy's mom said "Oh you said you might know whos to bleam for all of this before you rushed out of here cuz if so we could use all the help to get them" she asks me.

   "Yes I might know but I want to show you a pic first before I say anymore" I say as I pull up an old photo of my grandfather from 8 years ago "Yes thats the man just abit older" "How did you get this pic and how do you know him" Amy asks me.  I sit down and hang my head "Im very sorry about this all of it yes I do know him hes beentrying to ruin my life since I came out coused me and my mom to move and change our names" I say not looking at them "Nikki you can tell us who it is plz we are not mad at you we want you and amy safe plz" her mom says with pleading eyes. "If I tell you plz dont think any diffrent of me I had no clue he would go this far I swear." I says as tears start to build up. "Oh hunny we wont think diffrent of you in fact its for your safty as well as amys so plz if you know let us help" Amys dad pleads. "Hes my ............" just then the door burst open and in walks him.   "You I told you to stay awya from all of us her famly has nothen to do with what you think of me and my mom no leave before I call the cops in" I scream at him. "Oh you really are a weast of a granddaughter why cant you be like your cousions and find some guy to be with but no you had to find this thing." he says pointing at amy. Hey thats my doughter your talking about and I dont want you any wheres near her now leave be for I make you leave" her dad says

   "You call this thing a girl plz this is a sorry excuse of a man that is trying to hide as a girland for you to sstick up for it and this sorry of excuss over here you are no better then my so called kid They need to be put in their place where no one else can get sick from them." he says as he pulls a gun out of his jacket pointing between me and amy "Now wich one should go first Hmmmmmmm " "Oh I know how about you" he says as he point the gun and shoots at me. I wait for the impact of the bullet but it never came all I hear is the sound of themachiens flat lining. I open my eyes as I hear Amy's mom scream I look down and there is amy lying on the floor in a poddel of blood. "You monster how could you shoot her she did nothen to you" I scream as I pull amy on to my lap holding her. "Like I said it is a sorry excuseand needed to be delt with and now its your turn" he says pointing the gun at me agine. I hear another gun shoot and wait for the impact and still nothen when I look up I see the cops there with their guns drawn and my grandfather on the floor not moving. Doctors rush into the room and take amy from me and rush her to the er. As I am sitting there I feel hands on my shoulder I look up to see her mom and dad "She loved you so much nikki there was no doubt about it"  her mom says as they stand there hold my sholder "Im so sorry that I have coused so much trouble and hurt you guys so much this was the last thing I ever wanted to do to her or you" I say as tears start comeing down my checks "Nikki its not your falt that he was this way I know you loved her and I know you where her world but all we can do now is pray that shes ok" tracy says as she coms over and pulls me into a hug..


                                                                      (TWO YEARS LATER)

(Nikkis pov)

"Nikki sweety are you coming we have alot to do today" I hear behind me "Ya I'll be right there just saying goodbyes for the last time" I say to her as I look back at the greave infront of me. "I know we had our diffrances and I'm sorry for ever hurting you" I say with tears rulling down my face as I touch the tumb stone. "Sweety I know its been two years and I'm really sorry for everything that has happened but you couldnt do anything to stop what happened I mean he wanted to kill someone that day and no one knows why." She says as she touches my sholder to comfort me "But we need to go little one is fussing and I think she needs some food before we hit the road mom and dad want us there before tonight" she says to me. I get up and grab her hand and start walking away from the grave towards her skyline. "I just wise I knew what set him off to where he wanted to ruin my life" I say as we get in the car. "Im just glad I still have you in my life and also little Devon back there you two are my life and are the reason i keep living" I say as I look at her and pull her into a kiss. "I know oh we have to get tracy before we get to moms and dads she wants to tell them some news." Amy tells me after a quick kiss. 'Yes i know what your all thing she did pull thru luckly the bullet hit her in the arm and wasnt that bad and yes we finished high school and right after got married then we adopted little man.' "Ok hun lets go and get this over with becouse we have to be in florda in 4 days before our stuff gets to the house" I tell er as we drive off towards tracys house. "Are you giveing me a dead line to beat to see if I can make it there with this car I mean you really want to go there babe?" amy says while lifting an eyebrow at me and all I can do is just laugh.

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