Chapter Eight

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( Tracy's Pov )

 Wow I cant belive my friend went threw all this just to make me happy I mean a brand new car and now Its time for my party to begin and she managed to get all my friends and family here for the party.  I get up and jump in the shower leaning Amy sleep in the bed feeling happy about today When I got out dressed hair and make up done Amy was awake and we decided that sence we have time we well get both cars washed and parked sid by side in the drive way with a bow on mine. I feel bad the Nikki hasnt been around to talk with her tho I mean they both really like each other and I have been talking and hanging out with Nikki every now and then when Amy was busy. I decided to call Nikki to see if she wanted to come over today manly for Amy to get closer to her "Hello" I hear some girl on pick up. "Is Nikki awake I need to talk to her plz" "nikki is your little friend she needs you" I hear the voice say. "hey T whats up and happy bday by the way" A sleepy Nikki answers the phone. "Thanks you but I wanted to know if you want to come to the party today at Amys house I figured you too can get to know eacher other more" I say but get cut off by screaming and yelling on the other end "Im sorry if I got you at a bad time think about it and let me know" But before I could finish talking "You know what that sounds like fun I need to get away let me drop this one at home and ill meet you there" She says and hangs up. I feel bad ever sence she got with that Andra girl they do nothen but fight when Amy's name gets brought up. Im just glad that I can finally help her out tho with how they feel about each other.

 Shortly after getting off the phone with Nikki she actule showed up with out her g/f. "Well there you are I thought you where going to blow us off taday like you have latly" I said joking with her. "Na I promised you and Amy I would ber here to day so here I am oh and before I for get" She says as she reaches back into the car and pulls out a gift for me. "Awww you didnt have to just you being here is good and enough for me and what do you mean you promised Amy I thight you where waiting for her to come to you" I ask with a stern look on my face. " LOL im sorry I thought she told you. I stoped by yesterday after droping Andra off at home becouse I wanted to see her and see how she was doing and also to apoligize for how I have been acting" She told me. I just look at her shocked "so you really do like her then seeing you left the little bitchy thing at home" I couldnt help my self I really dont like her so called g/f. "Ya when I droped her off I told her I was comeing over here and that I want to spend more time with you and Amy she threw a fit  so I dumped her. I mean I only got with her becouse I was scared of knowing if Amy really likes me or not and if my feeling I have been haveing are realy." She says whaile haning her head and looking all shy and cuite like.

 "I'm happy that your finally going to follow your heart for once" I say playfully pushing her. "Come on Tracy dont hog her to your self you know I want to see her too" I hear Amy be hind me so I move to the said as she runs past me and jumps her knocking her to the ground.


( Amy's Pov )

 " Plz dont leave me like that agine I really missed you" I say as I start to get off Nikki who is now laying down in my front yard. ' Man I had a hard time wainting to get off her but I have to behave my self' I tell my self as I look down at her blushing. "I missed you to sweet checks now if you could plz help me up and tell me why your truck is down by the end of the drive way" Nikki says while tryingt o sit up. I give her a hand up "oh you saw that sorry just I dont need to cars and well I figured I would sell it to some one that could want it but I didnt mean to upset you by selling it" I tell her. "oh I was just hopeing you and I could go for a drive in it later but if you have to sell it I guss we could alwas take your can couse I have something to tell you. But right now its this shortys bday so lets go and party" Nikki says grabing our hands and pulling us inside to get ready for everyone to show up.

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