Chapter Seven

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 Here it is a week later still havent heard from Nikki but hey I cant worry about that now Cuz today it the day I get to go and see Tracys new car. It has been One monhe sence my surgery and I am 99% healed so I feel alot better. I jump out of bed get dressed and throw my hair up then I reamber Tracy spent the night agine grrr this could ruin the suprise for her. I walk out of my room quitly not to wake her up and go down to see my mom and her mom sitting there talking."Well good morning I didnt know you where comeing over this morning" I say while I hug her mom. Oh well I knew you where headed over to see her gift and I was hoping I could go along and see it too" Her mom asked. My mom and I thought that would be a great idea but she had to hide her car first so tracy didnt see it when she got up and she agreed went out and parked it in the gurage behind my truck.

We said our byes to my mom and she said she would take tracy out and do stuff till we let her know we where done.  Tracys mom and I jump into my car and we take off cuz I knew she would be wakeing up soon and well we didnt want her to ask if she could come with us. Knowing my mom had to go past my dads job to go with shopping with tracy I parked my car Right in the shop so she wouldnt see it and ask what i was doing here. After we park and get out we meet with Timmy to go and look at the car. There it was a nice sharp looking Black and purple lancer looked just like mine but less milage on it. We walk over and i start pointing out stuff to her mom that I had done to make it more personal like I had a tracker put in so in case it dose get stolen we can find it with in sec. After looking it over she gave both me and timmy hugs "You know you spoil her alot and she dosnt desruve a friend like you but thank you so much your going to make her one happy girl" Her mom tells me bring me to tears. "Shes been there for me thru more then any one could ask for and she took care of me after my surgery its the least I could do."  We sat there for another 10 min looking the car over and agreeing on the time I well be there with her to pick it up. With that we said or byes and left in my car back torawds my house.


 ( Nikki's POV )

It has been three weeks sence Amy got out of the hospital and I feel bad that I havent been around alot to see her. I have been talking with Tracy over the three weeks and she has been letting me know how she is doing. After two weeks of not being there she has asked about me less and less and it hurt to know that her feelings are going away. But I cant think about her right now I have a g/f and we are doing ok I mean we have a problems and she dosent make me feel like Amy dose. God I miss the hotty I really should suck it up and go over to see her and apoligze to her for not comeing around mabe she'll forgive me.

 "Well morning sun shine what do yo want to do today?" Andra asks me as she sits up smiling at me. "Well sweety I was going to bring you home and spend some time with my mom today seeing how i havent really in three weeks." I tell her cuz she dosent really need to know im going to se the one I love. She gives me a pouty face but agrees and gets ready to go home. I feel bad for lieing to her but last time I talked to her about seeing Amy we had a big fight. After ten min she is finally ready to go home. I drop her off home kiss her good bye and head right to Amys house hopeing she wants to see me.


( Amy's Pov )

 I pull back into my driveway with tracys mom hopeing my mom wasnt there yet and I quickly move my truck so she can leave before my mom shows up.  Ten min after she leaves I hear a car pull up to the house and I walk out front thinking its my mom but to my suprise it was Nikki getting out of the car. "Well look who we have here I thought your droped off the face of the earth with how you ignored me." I say to her with and additued while crossing my arms. " Sorry I just got busy and I wanted to come see you but I thought u didnt want me around and im really sorry and hope we can start over" She says putting her head down. God she quite and she better be happy I like "Yes but only under one condition" which made her happier. "What is the one condition cuz im welling to do what ever I need to" she says with a smile on her face. "You need to kill your g/f" I get out trying to keep a stright face which is very hard to do you know. Her face just drops like are you for real "Na i am only joking come by tomorrw with out your gf and bring a gift for Tracy we are haveing a suprise party for her" I say with a smile SHe agrees and walks awy to her car and leaves. God I hate being so nice so someone I really like when they hurt me alot but mabe I can prove to her how much I like her and get her to leave her gf for me. I start thinking but then I relize no I am not like that she wants me she well have to make the coice her self but I wouldnt mind being friends now. Five min later Tracy runs thru the door with my moom behind her. She see my on the couch and runs over to tackle me " Ok spill it mom told me everything you know better then send me with her for the day. Wheres the car can I see it " SHe says jumping on me "Thanks mom you see this is way I dont tell you anything" I say laughing and trying to fight Tracy off.

" Sorry sweety but she takes after you with the sad puppy look and its reall heard not to say anything" mom says while walking away from me. "So can I see the car now pritty plz" ANd her we go witht the puppy look god she drives me crazy with it. "Fine but first I have to make a call and change the plains I just hope Timmy is welling to do today instead of tomorrow" I say finally able to get away from her. I grab my phone and call him up and explain why the change of plains and is fine with it and ask for 1 hour to get everything ready. Right before haning up he asked to talk to my mom which II gladly hand the phone over and leave as he jokes around with yelling a her for spilling the beans. " Ok we can go in one hour but you have to be suprised when you see the car now ok" She agress with a nodd. Then she starts asking me quistion like what kind and color and everything like that 'good my mom olny told her a car' I thought to my self. "If you want to know all of that you'll have to wait till we get there to get it" I tell her.

 Dam the hour is up already so Tracy and I get into my car an head out "I just have to make a quick stop to see my dad at work really quick and get the keys if you wanna come in before we go pick it up" She agress and starts getting hyper agine. I park in my normal spot next to my dads car and we walk in to his office. "Daddy mommy did it agine" I say as we walk into his office he just shacks his head and laughs at tit knowing his wife spilt the news of a suprise. He comes over and hugs Tracy and asks if she is ready for the car "Ya I mean thats why we are here to get the keys and go pick it up from I guss the dealership" She says  we both laugh and she looks at us like we are crazy. " I never said we where going to a dealer to get the car I said we had to get the keys before we get it" I was saying while laughing

 Dad grabs her hands and I get a blind fold on over her eyes and we both guid her down to the line. As we get to where the car is in a line up so she would have to figuer it out with out the key fob. We let go of her and step back as she start reaching for us we tell her to take the blind fold off and as she did her face went to shocked. "If you want you car you well have 1 chance to find it in the line up with out help from anyone or even the keys" I tell her. She rolls her eyes and starts to walk around every car witch there are 10 total to look at. We all start grining as she looks around the one I picked for her she looks it over and walks to the next one. After looking at all the cars she looks at use "ok I know which car it is" she says with a grin. "Ok then go stand next to the car but if u get it wron I get a nother car and you get my truck" I say laughing. With that in mind she heads over to the cars agine to look them over one more time before she walks over to the one I had made for her. To show if shes right or not I hit the unlock button and the next thing I know shes running over and gives me and dad a big hug. "thank you guys so much I love it" She says still huging us. "Dont think me it was all Amy's idea and I agreed couse of how you have helped fer out these past 2 years" You can tell dad is very happy and sees her as a 2nd child.

 Before I know it I am being darged over to the car and I start telling her everything I had done to it for her and I hand her the keys and her plate. "Ready to go home and have a sleep over tonight" I ask her she says yes and jumps right into her car to meet me out front by mine. As I get to my car I see ther is another space on the other side of my dads open and as I look it has her name on it just like mine dose.  I know that well make her day when she sees that and soon she well. I say to my self as I see her pull around and starts looking for a place to park and sure enough she parks on the other side of dad in her spot. 'Ya I know we are spoiled by my perants but I dont mind one bit'. After alking for a bit longer in the parking lot we both grab our cars and head back to my house. As we are headed back I have one of the house keepers put my truck ou side so tracy can have a parking space right next to mine in the garage which I know shes been bugging for sence she started to drive but I would let her park her ford in there. I get home before her and ark my car and walk down to the beging of the drive way to meet her. After she pulls up I jump in the car and we go back up to the house as we get close The garage door starts to open up right away for her to see and empty spot. She looks over at me like um wheres  your truck. "Go ahead its yours now" and she pulls right in and we get out of the car and hug. "I dont desurve a friend like you I mean you made me the happiest girl alive" She says while hugging me tighter. " After how you have been there for me the most when I needed some one its the lest I can do and now I have someone to park next to at school with my car" I tell her 'Yes I am going to be driveing my car more offten now seeing I am selling my truck I mean I really dont need to cars right now'.

 We head in side in get settled in for the night with movies and pizza and end up falling aslleep early with a big day tomorrow.

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