Chapter Ten

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( Nikki's Pov )

 I wake up to the sun hitting my face in the early morning I go to roll over to see what time it is and I relize im not in my room in fact im in a room that I thought was Amys but I mean I couldnt be. As I go to roll over to get a better view of the room I relize I have a warm sleeping body on my chest. 'Oh shit can this be real' I think to my self as I look down thinking its a dream I mena I cant be laying in her bed whit her cuddleing me I mean this has to be a dream no doubt. I think to my self and as I start to get out of the bed to head to the bath room to splash water on my face she starts to move around.

 "Morning cutie been up long" She says to me with a big smill on her face and thats when I relize its not a dream and im in her room in fact im in her bed. "Well good morning your self I was just going to go and freashing up realy quick if you wanted to do stuff today I mean dont wanna go out like this" I say quickly while I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I get up and walk in to the bathroom splashing water on my face just looking in the marror ' Did this really happen last night I mean did I really make out with this girl and sleep in her bed'. God she drives me crazy. After I finish up I walk back into the room to see shes not in bed but I hear movement in the closet. "Hey I need to get some closths from my house to change into realy ___" I start to say as I get hit in the face by clothes. "Here put these on so we can get going" she says to me as she starts to change. With out asking quistions I do as I say and put on the cloths. Come to find out she thrw a black band shirt that says Icon For Hire on it and a pair of black shorts and supriseingly they fit perfectly. "How did you know this was one of my favorit bands" I ask her. "Lucky guss but you look like some one that liked there music" she calls out from the closet. "So what is it you wanna do today" I ask her.

 "Well I figured we could go to the mall and walk around and shop and talk and you know do g/f stuff" She says as she walks out of the closet finally dressed. As she steps out I coulnt help it but look at her shocked 'I mean when she cam out talking I couldnt help but how she lookd Wearing a black tank top the says Black Veil Brides on with black short shorts and black and purple snearkers with her hair down past her sholders' and wait a min did she just say gf. "You ok you look like you saw a goust" she asks me with a smirk on her face . "Oh ya sorry its just wow you look hot and wait did you just call me you girl friend as in dateinggirl friend or best friend type" I say to her trying to run it all thru my head. "Thanks and you dont look bad your self and well I dont go around kissing my friends like that so I hope you are my girl friend" she says with a smirk on her face. With out saying anything else I move right up to her and start to kiss her and after about 2 min we pull away from each other. "So thats a yes then youll be my girl friend" she asks me. "Of course I well " I tell her going in for another kiss. "Good but just so you know tracy well be on you and if you hurt me she well kill you" she says after we pull away agine. "But ok we need to go have a lot to do today so come on lets go we cant stay here for ever" she says leaving me standing in the room.


( Amy's Pov )

  Ya I had to ask her to go out with me other wise she proble wouldnt have ask me her self and I admit it feels good to ask her and then leaving her standing there looking all cuite. Ithink to my self as I walk down the stairs. "Morning Daddy and mommy Im going to be going to the mall today and spending the day out with nikki" I tell them as I go to the kitchen to grab breakfest. As I sit there with my bowl of cocco pebbels Nikki finally comes down "Well finally babe why dont you grab some breakfast and then well get going" I tell her as she blushes. "Oh mom dad you reamber my girlfiend nikki right its cool she spend the night" I say to my folks "Well Nikki now that your part of our family im sure well be seeing you alot more often so ill get right to it 'No sex but if you do have protection coz we dont need her getting nocked up now' and also you can call us mom and dad now and also dont hurt her she trust you and like you enough to let you in her life after everything" My dad says and at this point my mom and I are on the floor laughing and nikki is standing there shocked. " Daddy I think its safe to say I well not get pregnet from her or well anyone like ever but thanks for the consern" I say after I finally stop laughing so heard. "Well sir I care for you doughter so much and I would never push to do something shes not ready to and for the fact she trust me enough to allow me to come in and take care of her after everyhing shes been thru I am honord alot" Nikki says back to my dad. "Its ok babe hes only kiding around about the sex and plz call him dad he dosent like sir or mr makes him feel old but then agine that gray hair that is comeing thru dont help much" I say trying to hold bacl from laughing.  "Hey they arent gray hairs they are silver high lights I mean I have to keep up with you kids these day" he says laughing.

 We finish eating and joking around picking on dad and his gray hair and Nikki and I say our good byes and head out the door to my car.  "Your perants are so cool I could never get away with talking like that to my mom" Nikki say as we enter my car and start to leave.   "Ya they are cool I mean with everything we have been thru so far in life and the fact they are ok with it makes me really happy and all my friends love them but they can be strick when they have to be" I tell her as we drive towards the mall.

 After walking thru the mall and doing shoping of buying me and Nikki new clothes and haveing lunch and the local pizza place  "I think I am getting tired of this color and I want to try something new and bold what you say sweety" I ask Nikki. "Well I like your hair but ya lets go and try something new if you want to" and with that we head to the Hair solan to try something new. After about 15 min of looking at the diffrent hair colors and styels I decided on one and So didnt Nikki. After 2 hours we where done and I was draging her to the local tatto and percing shop in the mall. 1 houre later we are back in my drive way  "so ready to go in and freak out mom and dad with out new look" I ask her and she nodds as we get out and head in side. "Honey we're home and we got something to show you" I yell out to my folks as we walk in the door. We are up stairs sweety in our room why dont you come up" mom yells back at us. 

  WE make our way up stairs and drop the bags off in my room before heading to moms and dads room to show them. "You guys decent and ready" I ask as we get to the door and before they can answer we walk in to there room. "Oh Amy thatis a new look for you and I love it and for you Nikki wow those colors really like wow you two both look good" my mom says and dad agress with her. "Is your lip pirced" my dad asksgetting up and walking over to me omg who said you could pearce your lip sweety I mean dont get my wrong I love it and might get one my self but naxt time plz ask before you do your lip or bellie or nipples" dad says. "Sorry daddy just I really wanted it and I was afread you where going to say no" I say giving the sad eyes " hunny when do I say no and its ok as long as you dont mind it" he says hugging me tightly. "I do really love your hair tho bouth of you it really looks good on you" they both say to us. 'See i got my hair died purple and blue and got waves but into it and Nikki got hers blue and green witht eh same waves and yes i got a lip pearcing off to the side of my mouth'. Thanks guys just figured all new me so why not have fun with it and go crazy but im glad you aprove" I say to them giveing them hugs and walking back to my room with nikki right behind me.

  "You know if your going to be here alot I guss I should make room for some clothes of yours so you alwas have something  to wear" I say to Nikki moveing clothes over in my closet for her. "Awww babe you dont have to i mean im fine" She says but I wouldnt hear of it and start to put the outfits away we both got today.  "hey lets go down to the pool and relax for a bit and then we can eat dinner plus i know tracy wants to come over to see how we are doing" I say to Nikki not really giveing her and option. With in 30min we are both in bathing suites laying next to the pool when Tracy walks right in to join us. "OMG what did you both do to your hair I leave you along one day just one day" tracy says comeing over to us. "You like it sweety I figured I would do an all new me" I tell her as we both sit up so she can get a better look. "Like it no I love it you both look really hot like that and I am proude that you wanted to make a change like that" she says hugging us both. ^pm came quick and mom informed us dinner was ready so we all get up and walk into the dinning room to eat. "Oh Tracy I didnt know you where here for dinner" mom said to her. "Well mom when arent I here for dinner and lunch and well like ever" shes say laughing "good point well go and have a seat and ill bring the food right out" mom says as we head to the table. After dinner Nikki,Tracy, and I head back to my room to talk and watch movies.

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