Chapter Twelve

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                                                                                    ONE MONTH LATER

( Amy's Pov )

   well here we are one month later and I have fully heald for my surgery that changed my life for ever and here I am with my best friend/sister Tracy and my hot girl friend Nikki and we are walking around the mall do back to school cloths shopping and I'll admit I never thought my life would have turned out so good. "Hey what do you guys say we get out hair touched up and then grab some food im hungery" I say to them as we walk around the mall. "Well we could eat first and then get our hair touched up for school " tracy says with a grin on her face. "You just wanna eat dont ya coz im hungry my self" and with that we find our self in the food court . After we get our food we find a place to sit with tracy across from me and Nikki in between but closer to me. We are sitting there eating our food and haveing a great time when a group of guys walks by eyeing us. "Well what are three lovly ladys like your self doing here at the mall all alone with out your boy friends" ONe of them ask us. "Well we are doing what girl do best and thats shop and as for bf na ill pass im happy with my love right here" I say giveing them a stearn look. "Well ok so you have this lovly girl right here then but what about you cutie" he says looking at tracy. At this time the group start to grab chairs and sit down at our table makeing me abit uncumfy. "Well I am her with my sis and her gf and well if your asking about a bf sorry but your not my type I dont date dogs" she says and we just start to laugh. As he starts to move in closer we stand up and grab our bags "Well if you wanna insistes on sitting here then you wouldnt mind taking our trash out so we can do what we do best" Nikki says and before they could answer we leave them sitting there. 

  "Well that was fun I hope they learned there lesson on trying to pick us up in the mall agine" Tracy says while laughing. We finish our shoping before heading to my car to go back to my place for dinner and relaxe by the pool. As we reach my car sure enough the group of boys are right behind us agine following us. "Can we help you little lost puppys" I ask them as I stop at the trunk of my car. "Well figured we would give you girls a nother chance to go out with us " the one guy says agine. I look over at Tracy and Nikki giveing them the look lets show them and they just nod at me. "Well cutie seeing how you followed us all over the mall I'll tell you what we well race down the north way you win you got dates for one night but if we win well we well come to that at the finish line so we have a deal" I say to him. He turn around to his buddies and talks it over for about 5 min and agrees. "Fine let me go get my car you stay here and then well follow you to your car and have at it" he says with a big grin on his face. After him and his buddies disapear to get his car "Are you sure that was a good idea" Tracy asks me. "Well sis dont worry you seen my driveing you dont think i can take them in my car and win if anything we need to figure out what to do with them whe we win" I say and we all start laughing. After 15 min of waiting they show up in a hondia civic i mean its not bad looking but you can tell its stock with very little work done to it. "ok ladys where is your little girly car so we can get this over with we wanna go to dinner tonight" He says out the window to us and I couldnt help but smerk. "We are already at my car" I say as we open the trunk to my car and you can tell he knows he lost this bet. "um can we do something else besids race for a date" he quickly asks as we start to get in my car and I just shack my head no and get in and pull out of my space. "ok first one to the next exit 2 miles away wins" I say as we get to the high way he just nodds and starts to rev his car up. Next thing I know we start off and ya im playing with him abit by letting him be half a car in front of me "Oh come on amy I really dont want to go one a date with any of them can you just go plz" Tracy pleads from the back seat I just laugh and punch the gas and take off leaving them sitting there. We get off the next exit way ahead of them so we have some time to kill and we decided that they well go to the mall with us one day but they have to wear dresses and hit on the first guy they see. After they pull up knowing they where beat by three chicks we told them the punishment and sure enough they agreed. I got there numbers and told them well be in touch and then jumped in my car and headed off to my house.

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