Chapter Sixteen

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( Nikkis POV )

   I left the room hateing the fact that I said im calling my mom when in fact im calling tracy to get everything set up for tomorrow.  " Hey t um princess is getting out tomorrow after noon so we hvae to rest of today and tomorrow morning to get everyone over and set up Her folks are going to stall her as long as possable." I tell her right as she picks up. " Ok great thanks for telling me and dont worry I well get everyone set today you just keep her busy. Oh by the way when did you want to tell her what happened ?" Tracy asks me. " Um about that I already told her and um we did break up but she wants to be friends and I have to prove to her that she is the only one I want." I start to explain before getting cut off.  " YOU WHAT I THOUGHT YOU WHERE GOING TO WAIT HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING WHEN YOU KNOW SHES JUST WAKEING UP." Tracy screams thru the phone so loadly I think the nurse heard. " It's ok she knew something was bothering me and wouldnt stop asking so tell she says other wise I am bring her to and from school and carring all her book to her classes. Also I can hug her like friends do but if she says to kiss her then I do same as holding hands and cuddling" I quickly explain. " Ok so let me get this stright you cheat on her and she wants you to stay near her pritty much 24/7 and do as she says babe your wiped and I give it 3 weeks but 1 month top before your back togeather so DONT FUCK IT UP THIS TIME."  Tracy tells me. " You know what your right that sounds like I am wiped but you know what if it means I get her trust back and can have her to my self then you bet ill do it" I say and we both laugh. " Well I hate to cut it short but I need to get back in to Amy I told her I was calling my mom to let her know so I'll see you tomorrow T." I say and we hung up.

  After hanging up with Tracy I make my way back in the room to see Amy and her folks talking and joking around. " So whos your mom everything ok " Amy's dad asks.  knowing he knows about the party we set it up to speak in code around her so she wouldnt catch on. " Oh ma is doing great She said hey and shes sorry she couldnt be here but she has alot to do said shell see us all tomorrow when Amy gets home." I say so they know that the party is getting set up as we speak and everything well be ready.  "Well thats  good That shell be over to visit tomorrow and its ok she isnt here im sure shes really busy" Amy's dad says with a smirk on his face. " Well princess its getting a bit late and we have to get to bed but well see you tomorrow to pick you up and Nikki dont stay to late you do have school tomorrow" Her folks say as they give us hugs and say there good bye's. " dont worry mom and dad Ill go to bed early and be up in time for school" I tell them jokenly.


( Amy's POV )

            After my folks left Nikki stayd so we could talk more i'll admit after she told me she has been trying to stay with out being asked to and I like it. " So um I dont want to tell my folks about us not being to geather well at lest not yet they seam to really like you and it would hurt them to hear what happened ok sweety" I say to Nikki. " Hey dont worry ok ill say and do what ever you need and wantust as long in the end I get you back I dont mind if we never tell them so they well never know" Nikki quickly say which put a smile on her face. We talk some more and I look at the clock seeing its almost 2 am " um dont you need to get to sleep I mean you do have school tomorrow morning and I dont want you falling asleep in class becouse of me" I say to her. " aww babe I'm  glad you are worried about me and school but Tracy and I where giveing the week off just incase you know you didnt make it and as for the home work I already did it so I can stay as long ae you want me to even if its just as friends im not leaving untill you say so" Nikki tells me. Hmmm I like this idea of haveing here when ever i want I'll take it I think to my self. " Well in that case why dont you climb up here and sleep woth me this bed is longly and I need my teddy bear with me. I say with a pouty face before I know it Nikki is right behind me in the bed holding me tight as if she never wants to let go and I'll admit I like it alot. " I love you princess'" I love you too teddy bear now go to sleep" we say to each other and quickly drift off to sleep.

 Morning comes and I wake up haveing everything from yesterday hit me like a ton of brikes and I start to cry reambering that Nikki and I broke up becouse she cheated on me. As I go to turn over i am stoped by a body laying next to me holding me tightly and then I reamber I asked her to stay and hold me. ' Ugh why did she have to hurt me like that I love haveing her hold me tight and being there when I need her mabe I can ease up on her I mean she did stay the night and she hasnt really wanted to leave my side sence' I think to my self trying to lay still so not to wake her. After about 15 min of laying there the bed starts moving as if shes wakeing up so I decided to wake her up by laying on top of her and giveing her soft kiss's all over her face. " Mhmmm well morning to you to princess did you sleep good." nikki says to me as she starts to wrap her arms around me. " well yes I did becouse I had my big teddy bear here with me and Im sorry if I was harsh yesterday I promise to be esier on you and try not to make it weard" I say as I give her one more kiss on the lips before getting off. " Its ok you had ever right to be mad at me I hurt you the worst way possable and like I said yesterday I well do what ever it takes to get you back so just take your time and when your ready youll know" Nikki says to me before getting up and stritching. " Well I should get home and change really quick and I'll see you when you get out if that ok with you" Nikki says as she starts getting her shoes and coat on. " Thats fine but plz dont be late I well text you as soon as I get out and I want you at my house with arms wide open for me plz now come here and give me a kiss before you leave dragon breath" I say pulling her to me. " Ya Ill be there with arms wide open for ya and your one to talk about dragon breath sweety but try to have a good day and i'll see you later I promise'" Nikki says really quick. We kiss good bye and shes out the door next thin I know I'm along in the room agine.


                                                                                                        ( A/N )

             Sorry the chapter is short I promise to make the next one longer. Also plz vote and comment I wouldlike to hear what you all have to say ty.

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