Old Friend And A Mysterious Visitor

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"Luke!" Annabeth cried running up the hill towards her old friend. she saw him turn towards her voice and smile warmly at her, the sun reflecting off his back as if Apollo was trying to show everyone he was here. when he looked at Thalia his smile faded and he looked down ashamed.

"Luke!" Annabeth said as she reached him, she tried to comfort him for all the pain he'd been through but all she could manage was "welcome back."

"hey Annabeth." Luke said smiling as he hugged his old friend for the first time in 3000 years "Thalia." Luke noted his head dropping and his expression turning to shame.

"Luke." Thalia siad blushing and she hugged him.

"erm... aren't you a hunter?" Luke asked her as she broke the hug.

"not any more." she said "I left them yesterday so i could be a Immortal demigod and so..." she trailed off.

"i know what you mean." Luke said as he hugged her and Annabeth again. "so let's see if anyone in camp missed me eh?"

everyone looked shocked as the son of Hermes strolled into the cabins area and upto the big house. except one person.

"hello Luke." Chiron said, suprised his old student was here.

"Chiron." Luke said happily.

"oh goody... if it isn't Liam Castiron." Dionysus said, bored.

"Mr D." Luke said "why are you still here?"

"i decided to stay as i'd miss you brats... torturing you i mean." Dionysus said trying to cover up his slip.

"good to know sir." Luke said as Chiron beckoned him away from the others and they began to walk towards the canoe lake.

"Luke." Chiron said "the fact you were released shows that it must not be good."

"what does that mean?" Luke asked instantly offended "you think i'd attack you all again like the gods did 2000 years ago?"

"well..." Chiron trailed off

"save it." Luke huffed.

"but Luke i am glad you have returned." Chiron said "the new threat is that Mt. Orthrys may be rising again and that Hyperion has escaped from his prison. he may even try to revive Gaea and her children to attack us."

"i know Chiron." Luke said "i was told years ago."

"h-how?" Chiron asked amazed "it only happened yesterday."

"someone told me." Luke said "the person who arranged my release. not even the gods know who they are."

"who are they?" Chiron asked, mystified.

"Ask the gods. they are meeting with them now."

on Olympus...

"so may i ask... who are you?" Athena enquired.

"i have watched you all for aeons." the new arrival in the black cloak said "and i have decided it is time to help you. if Gaea and her children rise then it would spell the end of Olympus... unless i intervened."

"but who are you?" Poseidon asked growing impatient.

"i am Chaos, the creator of the Universe." the cloaked figure said.

immediately all the Olympians rose from their thrones and bowed to the cloaked figure.

"there is no need to bow." Chaos said "i am merely here to offer our support."

"our?" Artemis asked confused.

"me and my warriors." Chaos explained "they are like your Hunters Artemis but fully Immortal like the Immortal demigod legion except a thousand times more powerful."

"impossible!" Zeus cried "we gave the demigods enough power to easily defeat a Titan!"

"maybe." Chaos reasoned "but one of my warriors could defeat all twleve of you in a matter of minutes."

"wow." Apollo and Hermes said together "they must be tough."

"yes they are." Chaos agreed, glad to hear praise for his warriors.

"and you are willing to lend us support?" Athena asked, suspicious of why Chaos would help them now.

"yes i am." Chaos said "i like the way you Olympians run the planet and if Gaea won then that would all end."

"true enough." Hades said from his throne "but when would your warriors arrive?"

"within a day at most." Chaos said "after that my daughter Gaea would think twice before an attack."

"i like this idea" Ares said "we can win and see almighty warriors in action."

"thank you." Chaos said "so will you accept my help?"

"yes." Zeus said "we will need all the help we can get."

Camp Half-Blood

Athen appeared in the camp in front of all the campers at dinner to tell tghem the news.

"mom!" Annabeth yelled from the Athena table, who all promptly stood and bowed to her. the rest of the camp followed suit.

"Rise Demigods." she said " i am here to tell you that from tomorrow you will have new allies here to help against Gaea."

"who?" Thalia asked

"the Warriors of Chaos." Athena said "treat them with respect as any one of them could easily defeat all of you even the Immortal Demigods."

"wow." Clarisse said "that has to be some serious power."

"damn right!" Leo Valdez piped up "how about showing us some of their power?" he asked Athena.

"i do not have their powers Leo Valdez." Athena regarded him "but they will arrive tomorrow to show you themselves."

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