The Lord Of Time and Mother Earth

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the last two days had been rather busy for Atlas and Hyperion on Mt. Orthrys. first they had to discover where Prometheus was and where Oceanus was and then had to revive Krios and Encheladeus to help defeat the gods.

"so is everything in place?" Hyperion asked, looking over at his nephew who was carrying the golden coffin of Kronos.

"soon." he snarled at Hyperion "soon Hyperion it will be ready and we will be able to resurrect Lord Kronos and Lady Gaea. the Immortal demigod legion won't know what hit them and the gods will be crippled without their demigod armies to fight for them. we will win a great victory and the Sixth age will begin!"

"excellent." Hyperion said "and how goes the plan Prometheus?"

"it will soon be ready uncle." Promethues said, not looking up from the large table where a plan of New York was set out "within a day the legion will be engaged with the Giants in San Fransisco leaving our armies clear to march on Olympus, unopposed. we will be able to overthrow the gods within a matter of days from now."

"that is satisfactory." Hyperion said, not as pleased with Prometheus as with his favourite nephew Atlas.

"but my lord." Atlas warned. "what if Chaos becomes involved?"

"i'm sure that old fool will not." Hyperion laughed "i'm sure he's forgotten about Earth and his children here."

"but is it wise to ignore the threat?" Prometheus spoke up.

"yes it will be fine." Hyperion waved them away.

"my lord." a new voice echoed across the throne room. the three Titans turned to see Oceanus striding towards them with the giant Encheladeus.

"what is the word?" Hyperion asked them

"Chaos has decided to intervene." Oceanus said "his forces arrived at Camp Half-Blood this morning and they are allied with the gods."

"then they will be destroyed!" Hyperion roared.

"and my lord." Oceanus said " we have discovered the essence of Kronos in the Himalayas and the essence of Gaea in the Andes. we have recovered them and have now brought them here."

"excellent." Hyperion said "use them and awaken our rulers!"

"as you wish." Oceanus bowed and he clapped his hands. a giant brought in the coffin of Kronos and the throne of Gaea and placed them in front of Oceanus. he then brought out two vials. one with a green plant in it. the other with a golden liquid in it. he pured the green one onto the throne and the golden one into the coffin. he began to chant and they both glowed.

suddenly two figures arose from the coffin and throne. a middle aged woman and a young man.

"welcome back my Lord." Atlas bowed to Kronos "and my Lady." he bowed to Gaea.

"rise my children." Gaea spoke in a sleepy voice "has the time arrived at long last?"

"yes my Lady." Hyperion spoke "we are ready to defeat the Legion in San Fransisco and Chaos' forces in New York."

"i knew Chaos would get involved." Kronos spoke, his voice like a knmife scraped over rock "he is too meddlesome."

"indeed." Gaea replied "we wil have to take care of his forces personally. Encheladeus!" she shouted.

"yes mother?" he replied eager to please.

"go to the wolf house and begin the Ancient rite. we must awaken Porphyrion today!"

"yes mother." he left the throne room.

"soon they will be defeated." Gaea said "and the sixth age will begin!"

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