Argo II And Suprise Attacks

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there was something wrong with Leo Valdez. the Warriors had been at camp almost a week now and all they'd discovered was that they served Chaos and some like the Strategist, Lieutenant and Commander used to be demigods.

"who are they?" Piper had asked him the other night.

Leo wished he knew. he also wished his old friend Jason Grace was still with them. he'd disappeared 3000 years ago and was probably dead. he hadn't been seen in the underworld but they knew he was probably there. so why did Leo feel uneasy about the Warriors and why did he think they had a link to Jason?

"hello." a voice said behind him.

Leo turned to see Chaos stood there. he went to bow before Chaos stopped him.

"it is ok Leo Valdez." Chaos said "i am tired of everyone bowing twenty-four seven to me."

"well you are the creator of the Universe." Leo said "by the way what was it like before the Universe?"

"everything was made of gum drops and cotton candy." Chaos said seriously, then he laughed at Leo's expression. "no i don't think that is meant for anyone to know but myself. honestly, it was so long agho i've forgotten myself."

"oh." Leo said wanting to know "so... nice flying ship you have there." he nodded at the Warriors ship "reminds me of one i built called Argo II."

"does it?" Chaos asked mildly amused "go to the front Leo and read the name."

Leo went to the front and looked at the boat. he turned to ask Chaos what it said but Chaos had vanished.

"lovely." Leo said then he turned back to the boat and wiped some grime off the nameplate. in large letters it read

Argo II

Leo couldn't believe it.

"the Argo." he whispered in awe of his own creation. it was a lot different from when he first built it. Festus' head was still there yes but the banner of Chaos flew from it's stern. it had holes for celestial bronze and Imperial gold cannonballs and had shafts for spears and Gladius' to be positioned in. it was powered by it's sails and wings still though.

"nice work." Leo said "but wait... i left the Argo II with..."

suddenly he heard a noise. it was like the clash of metal and he heard a shriek. it definatly wasn't a human noise. he withdrew a sword from his toolbelt and walked towards the source of the noise. the beach.

Leo rushed to the beach to see two armies. he saw the Demigod Legion and the Warriors fighting with monsters. you name it and it was there. there were Dracanea, Hellhoungs, Giants, Cyclopes, the Minotaur, the Manticore and the Nemean Lion were all there too.

"woah! Leo yelled as he saw a Warrior stab his spear through five hellhounds at once. the Warrior turned and winked at Leo then he was stabbed through the heart by a giant. the giant turned away with glee as the warrior stumbled. he looked at Leo and winiked again. then he stood up and turned to face the shocked giant. he pointed his arm out and the giant exploded into dust.

"how did you do that?" Leo asked him as they both sliced through a horde of hellhounds.

"us warriors can survive one direct hit like that from anything. even things like an entire mountain dropped on us we could survive because of the blessing of Chaos."

"woah." Leo said as they tore through the rest of the hellhounds. everywhere they looked they saw Warriors and demigods tearing through the monsters. the Nemean lion fell after an attack by Thalia and Piper. the Manticore fell under a wave of demigods and a few Warriors and the Minotuar disintergrated when Annabeth ran him through with her dagger.

"thanks for playing." Annabeth said to the dying monster.

the Demigods looked around thankful they were all ok and not too badly cut as the Warriors strolled away.

"wait!" Leo called to the Warriors as the demigods gathered behind him. "how did you get the Argo II?"

"don't you know Valdez?" the Strategist asked him "you gave us it."

"i did?" Leo asked "no i gave Jason it."

the Strategist pulled of his helmet to reveal blonde hair anda scar on his upper lip. Piper exhaled and looked like she'd pass out. Thalia had tears in her eyes and began to run to him. Reyna cried in joy and fell to the floor. and Leo stood there in absolute shock.

"Jason..." he whispered

the son of Jupiter looked at his old friends "hello everyone. miss me?"

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