To be or Not to be?

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To be or Not to be?

trigger warning: mention of rape
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Cold wind nipped at my nose as sea water frothed upon the edges of the beach. My eyes scanned the area around me in hopes to see my love once more. I held the scarf closer to my body, treasuring the gift he had bought me once.

Not a minute later, my prince showed up.

"Salutations, Madeline," he said jovial.

"And hello to you too, Henry," I murmured lovingly.

We exchanged a few more minutes of small talk before Henry took my hand and motioned for me to come along. Sand from the border of the sea was kicked back from my feet pushing itself to go faster, trying to catch up with my one and only, Henry. I gazed up as we slowed to walk. The sky above was a perfect view, devoid of city pollutants. He grasped my hand tighter and planted but a tiny kiss across my knuckles. It was a sweet gesture that made my cheeks tingle with heat.

My eyes soon settled on the image of Henry. He had soft, amber eyes that seemed to reflect the joy in my eyes. The skin at the edges of his wide spheres wrinkled, as a smile sprinkled across his features, showing off his decent teeth. His body was lean and muscled, and he used his strong arms to wrap around me and nuzzle my neck with his Grecian nose. He bit at his plump lips and tried to hold back a smile.

Soon enough his hold on me laxed, and he stooped down on one knee.

"Madeline? Would you do the honors of marrying me?"

My eyes shut but the sting of hot tears still made their way through. I opened up, and the boiling water dribbled down my cheek. I could only shake my head and throw my arms around Henry like a little girl greeting her father after a hard days work.

It was the best day of my life, and I would never forget it.

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It was the most horrible day in my life. I could say with the most vigor, I would never forget.

It would haunt me the rest of my life.

I walked into the court room, my daughter on my right, clinging to my skirt with tears lining her lashes like crystalline dew. My face was poised in an emotionless shell, devoid of expression.

My lips tightened, and I took my seat.

"Mummy, do you think-?"

I flashed Frances a grimace, and she instantly began to grow quiet. She sensed my anxiety. The young girl crawled onto my lap and laid her head on my shoulder. She smelled like peppermint and had the same amber eyes as Henry...

Speak of the devil, none other than Henry arrived, looking as posh as ever.

I despised this man now. My eyes narrowed as he entered the court room, and I nearly felt the bile rising from my gall bladder into my throat. He had the same dark hair, now graying at the edges. But now that warmth in his eyes was gone, and jn it's place was a mere sarcophagus of what Henry used to be. I could smell the beer on his clothes all the way across the court, and the ugly frown on Frances' face told me she smelt it too.

"Welcome back," Judge Hall said in his distinct voice. "The verdict has been made."

I glanced down at Frances. She looked scared.

"In the case of Mr. Henry Wilhelm, and the molestation and rape of Frances Wilhelm, and Madeline Wilhelm, Mr. Henry was found guilty."

There was a sound in my throat was sounded like a sob, and I leaned over and buried my head into the neck of my daughter. We were free! We were finally free!

I saw them cuff Henry, and drag his large round body toward the double doors where he'd be imprisoned.

I wiped my tears and hugged Frances closer.

"I love you, Frances," I said tearily. "I love you so much. We did."

Frances only wiped one of her own tears and nodded.

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