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Chapter eighteen: Petrified

Tom watched in boiling anger and a bit of regret as Hermione stormed out of the common room and down the hall. Regret? Hmm that's a new emotion, interesting Tom thought. He would go down to apologise but being himself he decided that he had more important things to deal with instead of an emotional teenaged girl.


As Tom patrolled down the hall he heard crying and muffled talking from down the hall, suddenly a few prefects Tom recognised to be Flint and Black came walking down the hall in his direction followed by Dumbledore and Professor Morvin.

Tom's heart stopped as he saw a pale hand draped over the side of the levitating gurney. He immediately new who it was.


He rushed frantically towards them, his eyes firmly attached on her form covered by a white sheet. "What happened!?" Tom asked desperately and for once he let a hint of emotion in his voice.

"Oh it's horrible! I found her in the girl lavatory, she's been petrified!" Lois exclaimed tears falling down her cheeks. Black laid a hand on the crying girls shoulder trying to calm her down. Tom's let out a sigh of relief She's not dead only petrified...

"By this rate Hogwarts will be closed down by Christmas." Dumbledore said shaking his head in disappointment.

"What-what if I find the culprit? Would Hogwarts stay open?" Tom asked, still staring at Hermione's still body. Look what you did Tom! It's all my fault, if I didn't let the basilisk lose to kill Mudbloods as he pleased, Hermione wouldn't have been petrified.

"Is there anything you would like to tell me anything Mr Riddle?" Dumbledore questioned watching Tom with ever wise eyes.

"No Professor." Tom replied staring back at Dumbledore passively. Old cow Tom thought bitterly He's always been too suspicious of me.

"Very well, let's hurry and take Miss Granger to the medical wing so that Madame Lofe may reverse the petrifaction."

Tom glared at Dumbledore and felt the urge to correct him upon using Hermione's wrong surname. "Of course." Tom said politely and followed quickly beside the gurney as it led them to the wing.


Tom entwined his fingers in Hermione's stilled hand, watching her still formed. He hadn't left the medical wing for three days but he didn't care, all he wanted was to stay beside Hermione's side. Over the past three days he had time to ponder about how important and how weak he felt without Hermione by his side. He realised how important she was to him. "Wake up...wake up Hermione I lo-" Tom paused mid sentence when he heard someone clear their throat.

"Tom, how are you faring my boy?" Headmaster Dippet asked as he walked towards the edge of Hermione's bed

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"Tom, how are you faring my boy?" Headmaster Dippet asked as he walked towards the edge of Hermione's bed." Do not worry, she'll awake when it's her time. How long have you been here?"

"Three days, I haven't moved since, I appreciate your concern but if you are here to get me to leave I'm sorry to say I am not going anywhere." Tom replied breezily.

"I wouldn't ask you such a thing Tom she is your wife after all. I was just going to inquire where you would be staying if Hogwarts were to be closing down. I assume the orphanage yes?"

Tom grip on Hermione's hand tightened. "No, I own a manor down in little Haggleton. I would greatly appreciate it if you may give me permission to there with Hermione?" Tom asked formally and as politely.

Dippet smiled boldly. "Well I assume that you are of age?"

"I'll be turning seventeen on the thirty first."

"Very well, I'll inform the ministry. I'm sure that they would allow you staying at the Manor." Dippet confirmed before glancing down at Hermione once before leaving.

Tom tore his gaze away from the empty spot where once Dippet was standing and towards Hermione. She looks so innocent...you don't deserve something so innocent Tom..

He leaned in and kissed Hermione's forehead before standing up, he felt a bit faint since he hadn't eaten anything for the entire three days. With one lingering glance at her still form, Tom trudged out of the medical wing and down to the great hall, but already he felt the need to run back and stay by Hermione's side.

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