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Chapter twenty two: Unexpected visitor


It was Christmas morning, Hermione awoke to five large presents on top of the chest in front of her bed. She knew that three belonged to Harold, Daniel and Lois and she had a feeling the fourth belonged to Tom...but the last she had no idea.

She opened Harold's first it was wrapped in bright red and yellow wrapping paper. Inside there was a journal and a book Magical creatures. She picked up the letter he'd left her.

Dear Hermione,

         As you know I will be back to Hogwarts tomorrow, I'm sorry I couldn't spend Christmas with you. My parents and brother Charlus couldn't wait to see me as they haven't seen me in a while. Anyways I hope you enjoy the gift and I'll be seeing you soon.

                          Love, Harold Potter

Hermione felt her eyes water and quickly wiped them away. She quickly opened Daniel's gift and almost cried out. She cradled the grey kitten close to her as it mewed.

"I'll name you Crookshanks Jr." She replied nuzzling the kitten, it mewed in approval. Hermione gently set Crookshanks Jr down on her lap as she opened up Lois's gift which was a elegant green robe. She made a mental reminder to thank them all when they came back to Hogwarts. Hermione looked at the two gifts still sitting on her chest, she decided to open the silver one not wanting to open Tom's.

She quickly unwrapped the paper and found a small card with elegant writing on it.

To: Hermione Granger
From: Yours truly Alastair Prince

The necklace inside will always keep you calm in the most stressful situations.

Hermione smiled and picked up the silver necklace, a silver snake was curled around a small iron sphere. She pulled up her hair and clasped the necklace around her neck instantly she felt a relaxing aura wash over her. While putting the box back onto her small night table Hermione glanced back at Tom's gift, she couldn't help but feel temptation to open it.

A minute passed by when Hermione let out a sigh and went to grab the gift, she tore the wrapping paper off and pick up the card that was lain across a small black box.

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love

-William Shakespeare

Slowly opening the lid of the small black box, Hermione gasped when she saw what was inside. Marvolo Gaunt ring glinted back darkly at her, he had given her one of his horcruxes...as a Christmas present. Hermione didn't know whether to put it on or to throw it out the window, but she couldn't. She knew how much this ring meant to Tom and giving it to her must mean that he trusted her more then any of his followers. She looked at it once more before slipping it on to her ring finger, fortunately it fit perfectly with just a small amount of space to spare.


Hermione made her way down to the Great Hall in a particular happy mood. When she stepped inside she quickly made her way to the Gryffindor table where she took a seat and began to fill her plate with some toast.

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