One hell of a ride

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*4 weeks after pax*
After you came pack from pax you felt kind of weird. Not super weird just a bit off. You already missed your period completely and started to freak out. You haven't told Craig yet either. You guessed you were just worried how he would take the info. You walk into the living area.
"Craig can you do me a favor?" He was sitting at his desk recording with the guys.
"Yeah babe what's up?" He turned to look at me. "I just need to borrow the car for a minute." He handed you te keys. "Be safe honey bear!!" He yelled as you were leaving. You giggled at the new nickname.

*time skip brought to you by me-a broke beech*
You got back with the pregnancy tests and gave mini the keys back. You went to the bathroom and locked the door. You used the test the way it's supposed to be used. you let it set for 20 minutes and looked at it. It said positive. You started shaking. You throw it away and go over to mini. You move him in his chair so you can sit in his lap facing him and he can still do what he's doing.
"(Y/n) is everything okay?" He felt you shaking and got worried. You ignored him and continued to hold on to him tightly. "(Y/n) your scaring me seriously are you okay?"
"I need to tell you something." Mini got really tense when you said that. "No mini it's not bad I think." He relaxed a bit but not completely. "Can it wait a couple hours the guys hear you." "They can know it's fine."
"Okay babe shoot." Mini finally said getting to anxious. You hear the guys snickering in the background like a bunch of kids that pulled a 'prank'.
"Craig. I'm pregnant." You heard the guys tell in the background sounding shocked.
"OH MY GOSH... S-so your n-not kidding...y-you actually are!! Babe that's great!!!"
You listened in on what the guys were saying tyler yelled "hey mini you actually aren't a virgin after all!!! And what the fuck bro!?!?!" Daithi and vanoss were just congratulating them. The best reaction yet tho was delirious. He said "I call baby sitting duty!" You laughed "nice try delirious but maybe if you come down and visit. AND SHOW US WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE!" you laughed he immediately said nevermind. You kissed mini all over the face to mess with him and left to get a sandwhich. This is gonna be one hell of a ride.

Miniladd X reader--lovely lifeWhere stories live. Discover now