Tiny Mini

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It's been 4 years. You aren't married but you are planning on asking him soon (hey women can propose too). Your little boy is now almost 4. It's been amazing. The birth wasn't pleasant. It was a natural birth but it was 12 hours long. He was the sweetest thing. He didn't cry until he got hungry or needed changing. He was all smiles and giggles. He loved it when his daddy made weird faces (like the one above). His first word was mama that made you cry a whole lot. Your YouTube update schedule sort of slowed down but mini still updates regularly. Today is one of his record days and you were playing with (y/s/n) (your sons name). You want to teach him a new game called spy.
"Okay what you got to do is crawl around the furniture where daddy can't see you and when you get to his chair you spook him."
"Mommy won't daddy be mad at me?"
"No baby he won't I'll make sure okay."
"Okay!!! What do I do to spook Daddy he's hard to scare." His face lit up so much. You smiled at him.
"No he's not sweet heart just grab his foot and say 'booga booga really loud and then I will come up behind him and scare him again okay?"
"Yaaaayyy were gonna scare daddy!!"
"Shhh baby don't spoil it."
"Yay we're gonna scare daddy!" He whispered in an excited voice.
"First we need a team name and mission name any ideas?" You asked him and he started thinking.
"Captain (y/s/n) and private mommy!" He shout whispers.
"Awesome sound cool and the mission can be called mission scare daddy."
"Yesss" he replied while pumping his fist.
You guys carry out the mission and mini screams like a girl during the recording. All his friends screamed to because mini scared them. You all laughed it off. You gave mini many kisses.
"Ewwwww mommy and daddy are gross!" He ran out and you ran after him. You picked him up and gave him lunch.
"Nap time!" You chimed at him and he happily agreed. You put him to sleep and went in the room with mini. You say on his lap and said hi to the crew. You nuzzled into mini while he was playing the game and started to fall asleep
"I love you gorgeous."
"I Love you too Craig"
You went to sleep on him with that on your mind.

Miniladd X reader--lovely lifeWhere stories live. Discover now