Chapter Four

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I laid on my bed facing completely towards the ceiling. Eyes wide open before my eyelids gently relax. I have nothing to physically occupy myself as it is now the weekend.

I leave myself with the wondrous thoughts that swim throughout my mind. I continue to think about school and the students. Then I begin to feel worried about the gym class I have to take this year and the activities that follow with it. I sigh and roll over onto my side to face the wall.

The night before, the owner of the foster care requested to talk to me about school and my residence here.

One part of me wishes to stay; but another part demands to leave. I believe the part of me that doesn't accept this gift is taking all of this for granted. With what I have had to go through and where I am today, I'm trying so hard not to take this for granted.


My ears perk and I sit up to face the speaker. It's Jennifer.

"Are you free for a moment?" Jennifer asks. I nod and stand up to follow her as she has already dispersed from the room I share.

I peek my head out into the hall to see the back that belongs to Jennifer as she walks briskly through the abnormally darkened area. She turns back to me, smiles, and waves at me to continue our journey of where I trust her to lead the way.

Jennifer brings me to a small private room and shuts the door behind her as I have taken a couple steps into this new environment. A couple other people sit at a bold looking grey round table with smiles that somehow look warm. The atmosphere in here feels nerve wracking. Something bad is going on.

"Sit down, Sylvia." Jennifer softly directs towards an empty chair. I sit down quietly and look back at the people. The expressions they show make me feel even more worried. I think they expected me to say something by now; but I remain quiet.

"How's school going?" Jennifer asks.

"It's going well." I say nodding lightly.

"I'm not sure if they mentioned this, but you will be receiving a uniform. Or, it's not exactly in a physical form waiting for you. They just request you to wear certain colors." Jennifer explains finally taking a seat.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well," Jennifer begins scooting closer towards the table with the chair she has claimed. "It's certainly not difficult. But they request that you simply wear black or darkish clothing. It's always optional if it's short sleeved or long. Jumpers are alright as well."

I sigh in relief.

"For physical education it's different. You can go out and purchase gym clothing, but it's deeply recommended that you equip shorts that are above the knee and a T-shirt." Jennifer says.

"Well, last class I wore my jumper. Can I get in trouble for that?" I ask leaning in from my nervousness.

"Oh no honey!" Jennifer laughs. "It's just a strong recommendation. You don't have to. But at times you will need to take it off. For example: You'll be doing swimming."

"Oh, okay." I say trying to sound calm.

Jennifer smiles at me and I force a grin back at her.

"Hello, my name is Alice and I'm from the organization of the Social services." One of the people from the table suddenly lean in towards me and shakes my hand that I have already gently raised for them. Her smile is vibrantly white with her beautiful dark skin.

"Nice to meet you." I say and let go of her hand. Alice sits back down in her seat. I notice that she is dressed in an elegant black suit.

"We have come here to talk about where you will be living." Alice says waving over to a middle-aged man who sits beside her.

Safety Within Mr. Payne (Teacher/Student Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now