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Eden's POV
Our lovely summers picnic started off like it usually does. Just me, my mum and my dad singing along to Disney music in the car whilst pointing out things that we see in the county. People always comment on how well we all go together. Just us three, a little happy family, we may not have loads of money but we were happy.
We had just started to get into the really curvy country road when all of a sudden a car came out of nowhere.
The next few moments went in slow motion. The car ploughed into the front of our small five door corsa and the sheer force of the car sent he car flipping over and over into the long hedges lining the road. Glass from the window screen began to shatter everywhere and on a quick look into the front of the car I could see that there was no possible way that my beloved parents could be alive in that mangled mess. Screams began to occur and the next thing I knew I was being dragged from the small car by a young looking man and then our small car ,which still contained my parents burst into flames, there was no denying it. My beautiful parents were most definitely gone.

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