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Eden's POV
All the kids had started to file out of the door for school again and that meant only one thing; I would soon be going to Tom and Giovanna's house. I'm scared to be honest, I don't really know too much about them, I don't know what they do for a living or anything. They seem lovely though and very keen about adoption. Tom seemed very happy, and funny, just like my dad and Giovanna seems the same apart from she seems much more understanding about everything. I suppose I should be happy about adoption though as I don't have to go to school for the next few months, mainly because I have to have daily contact with Tom and Gi but also because school just isn't the best place for me to be at the moment and the thought of having to tell people who I don't really know too well that my parents died doesn't really make me feel great.
I hobbled out of bed and over to my suitcase which I still haven't unpacked and begin to pick out something to wear. It's so hard to put something nice on when you have a thick cast on your foot so I throw on a pair of three quarter length black leggings on and then put a pair of blue denim shorts on over them, squeezing each item of clothing over my plaster carefully so non of the fabric gets damaged by the rough surface of the pot. I then put on a simple light pink frozen t-shirt and a cream cardigan. I quickly brushed my hair out then put it up into a pony tail to keep it out my eyes before going to conquer the stairs.
After what seems like forever Clair and I are finally ready to go to Tom and Gi's house. The car journey is fairly quiet and I notice that all the houses we pass all seem to be quite modern and big, something my old house definitely wasn't. Clair pulls up her small car outside of one of the large houses and then announces to me that we are here before helping me out of the car door whilst I steady myself on my crutches.

Clair slowly raises her hand up and knocks on the giant wooden door of the large house. A few seconds later Tom answers the door, his face still looked the same, same glasses and spiky hair and a t-shirt similar to the one he wore Yesterday when we first met.
"Hi Clair. Hey Eden." Tom smiled, opening the door wide, welcoming us into his grand home. "Welcome to the Fletcher household, come on in!"
Well at least I now know that their surname is Fletcher.
The inside the home was just as magnificent as the exterior. Photos hung all over the walls in an arty fashion and love seemed to radiate from everything in sight. These people are way too good for me.
"Hi," I managed to say politely as I carefully tried not to stumble through the front door. Clair greeted Tom much more confidently then Tom led us into the lounge where Gi was sat on the floor playing with a little blonde haired boy. A baby was sat in a baby swing at the other side of the room.
"Hi Clair, hey Eden." Gi greeted as we walked ( well Tom and Clair walked and I hobbled) into the lounge. Tom then helped me sit down in the large sofa which was in the lounge and then took my crutches, propping them up nearly in the corner.
"Hi," I said again, lightly smiling at Gi as I sunk into the large sofa. The blonde haired little boy came running up to me clutching a book in his hand then passing it to me and sitting in the free seat next to me.
"This is Buzz." Tom smiled. "He seems to like you." I smiled back at Tom. I've always loved young children and for some reason I seem to get along with them better then I do people my own age. I took the book off Buzz then looked at the front cover.
"Poo!" Buzz giggled, pointing to the front cover of the book then waiting patiently for me to start reading it. This particular book was entitled 'the dinosaur who pooped a planet.' By Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter.
"You have a book?" I said softly, looking at Tom. He looked me straight in the eye and I suddenly felt like Tom and I were going to click. I may have only known him for a day but he seems to get me, when I didn't talk yesterday he smiled at me, his eyes had a certain shine to them that just made me instantly trust him.
"Erm yeah, it was sort of an on going joke Years and years ago with my mate Dougie. We joked about writing a book and eventually we did actually publish our own book. We have a few different ones out. They all are dinosaurs pooping the bed, the past, Christmas, a planet and a lot." Tom smiled at me, sitting down in the seat next to Buzz leaving him in an Eden, Tom sandwich.
"He's not going to leave you alone until you read it to him." Giovanna laughed. "Your the chosen one in the room so that's it, Buzz doesn't change his mind."
I laughed lightly then began reading the book quietly to Buzz. He started snuggling into me half way through the book and I knew at that point that I might fit into this family after all.

This chapter is going to be in two parts but I thought this idea about meeting Buzz would be really cute so I included it. Another update coming soon. Also HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY BUZZ!

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