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I had remembered that I had been in a room. Or it was outside somewhere with rock formations around the perimeter.

I had been wearing a flowing black silk dress that beautifully flowed down my hips. It was capped sleeved with a low dipping sweetheart neck line. I remember this boy, well man was more like it. He was very handsome and had the face of a model.

He was all in white and his blonde hair was in a messy display of waves. I saw him smiling as he stepped closer to me; closing the small gap between us. He leaned into my ear and whispered something. It wasn't audible but my lips twitched up in a smile; brilliant white teeth showing. Tilting my head towards the man he looked at my lips with lust in his eyes.
        My crimson lips parted slightly as he dipped his head into a kiss. His lips touched mine and they were like the lips of fan fiction hunks. Leaning into the kiss he grabbed my waist and twirled me and slowly placed me down.
        Breaking away I placed my hands on his shoulders;  with love in my eyes and then blackness.
       Than, silence.
       It was eerie and then the blood curdling scream filled with hurt. It was like  nails being drug across a blackboard. Then a blinding light illuminated me and the man. Him in my arms and me cradling his lifeless body.
      Black tears ran down my face, my face in utter grief. I felt the pain and heart break, I felt the love for this mysterious man. A shadow had befallen over me; engulfing my body. Slowly the searing hot pain made me throw my head back in vengeance.

That's when I woke up. Sweat soaking my entire body and my body trembling.

Now as I stood underneath the now cold shower I felt my heart thing  in pain as I turned off the water. What was that feeling? That feeling of hurt and heart break. I didn't like it. But all for someone that I don't know? Who was he; that mysterious lover. I wrapped a towel around my body; tucking it underneath my armpits. I guess I couldn't worry about someone who I don't even know. I again stood in front of my mirror, finger combing my hair.

My black hair seemed to be more controlling now. It wasn't as frizzy like it always was when I got out of the shower. Actually it seemed almost flawless. Like in those commercials for shampoo.
      I smiled at my reflection and my new self. It gave me a little pep in my step and I wanted to feel pretty for once in my life.

I walked into my bedroom and opened my large mahogany closet and looked at my clothes. Usually when I go school we are required to wear uniforms. But today was Friday and each Friday we are aloud to wear whatever.
The girls at school tended to wear more reveling clothing; while girls like me opted for more comfortable ones.

But today I wanted to look stunning.

Moving my clothes around I was debating if I wanted to wear a white knee length dress; or opt for a white jumper. I decided that I was going for the white dress. It use to be my mothers an it had a vintage look to it. It's been mended a couple of time but I still loved to wear it.

The neckline was a sweetheart neckline which was covered in tiny pearls. The waist had the same design but flowed out into a fluffed skirt. Placing it on my bed I made my way to my dresser drawer. Sliding it open, I pulled out a white lace pair of panties along with the matching bra. A early  birthday gift from my mother. She said that every young woman needs something delicate in her life. Getting dressed I debated if I should wear makeup. I didn't really have any since I never had a reason to wear any.
I decided that mascara and lipstick was enough.

I had noticed that most of my wardrobe was all white. The perfect color for the perfect little angel girl.

Slipping on the dress I felt like a princess. I twirled around my room and stopped at my vinyl player. I placed Mozart's Moonlight Sonata on it and placed the needle gently down. The tinkling notes came out and I waltzed around the room with my invisible partner.
I heard a cough and a small knock at my open door. My father stood there smiling a dashing smile that always made women swoon.

I smiled, "Good morning Daddy, your up early."

He smiled an grabbed my hand.
"I have an early meeting, but please don't stop me from your dance." He smiled again, "I only ask one thing; may I have the next one?"

I laughed and curtsied as I outstretched my hand. He fixed his collar dress shirt and his tie. He bowed dramatically as he took my hand. I giggled as he kissed my knuckles. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he placed his on my waist. The song went into the next part as we began dancing around the room gracefully.
He spun me out and then back in as he delicately dipped me. He smiled and made a silly face at me and I laughed out loud. We stopped when we heard clapping coming from the doorway. My mother stood there with a smile on her face. I curtsied to her and then to my dad. He bowed to me and pulled me in to his right bear hugs I've grown to love. He made his way to my mother and planted a kiss on her cheek. She giggled, it sounded like tinkling bells almost.

"Well now, dancing without me are you?" She said, she was in her morning robe an slippers. Her hair was a complete mess and her face had tired written all over it. But yet she was still as beautiful as always. I went over and kissed her on the cheek.

"Good morning mother, I didn't know we would wake you up." I said apologetically.

She took my hands in hers and gave me that loving mother look.
"My dear Lily, you would never be in trouble for waking me up. Besides I have to bake a cake for the town meeting tonight." She said.
My father walked over and nuzzled mothers ear and kissed her cheek.

"Well now that your awake," he began to say "my lady. May I have this next dance?"

My mother laughed and took her stance. They began dancing and soon began dancing towards the door and went out into the hall. My fathers laugh boomed out from the living room followed by moms gentle one. I laughed and began to collect my bag for school. As I reached for pencils on my desk I noticed something on my right forearm.
I held my arm out in front of me and noticed a band of X's circling it.

"What in the world?" I said quietly.

I didn't know where it came from, but it looked like a branding of somesort. I shrugged it off as nothing and gathered my bag. I slipped on white flats to match my dress. Turning off my bedroom light I heard out for school.

Only today I didn't know was going to turn my life upside down.

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