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He was so peaceful looking when he was asleep. I sighed, poor Gabriel. What he went through as a child  shouldn't ever happen to anyone. It made me sick to even think he loved his mother. But she was out of his life for good; I'm here now.

I laid back in the drivers seat of my Audi, we both decided that going home tonight was just something we didn't want to do. I looked out my window and stared out into the night sky. I couldn't sleep I didn't want to. Soon I became restless and started the car. Good thing it was silent enough where it didn't wake Gabriel. I drove around town for a bit and then got hungry. I bit my lip and turned to look at Gabriel.

To my surprise he was already awake and looking at me. It was the same look he's given me a couple times. A look of  something innocent but lustful. I pulled the car over and turned it off. I smiled at him.

"What's wrong? I'm sorry if I woke you I just didn't want to sleep, and I just.." I trailed off as his hand touched my arm.

I looked him in his eyes. They were illuminated from the street light. He moved his hand to my face and I leaned into his touch.
How can one man do this to me? I thought.

I opened my eyes realizing they were closed the whole time. I gasped. His hand dropped immediately.

"Jesus, Lilith; what's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

I shook my head no, but my my face was in shock. He was glowing, a light white luminance draped around him kissing his skin. He looked almost holy in a strange way. I looked closer and noticed it was fading away. Slowly the light dimmed into nothing but the light from the street lamps.

I looked up to see Gabriel studying my face, his stricken with worry. I smiled sweetly at him and that same flutter came back to my stomach. He smiled back which only made the fluttering worse. I turned in my seat and faced the steering wheel. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I did this for a minute and I probably looked like a fish to him.

Finally I spoke. "Your not going to believe me but I'll end up telling you otherwise." I said, I heard his cute chuckle as I started the car. "A few moments ago you were glowing like how in those old painting of holy figures how they had a sheen or light around them. It was like that." I passed by our school and kept driving north. "It's like it means something Gabriel." I turned to look back at him but he wasn't there.

I quickly pulled off to the side of the road.

"What the hell? Gabriel, what the fuck; you were just here!" I shouted. I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out of the car. But instead of road there was just pitch blackness. Around me were little white dots which looked like stars. I panicked when I noticed I was floating.


Then out of the corner of my eye a white bright light shown and Gabriel stepped out well float out was more a correct term to use. He was glowing again an the thing I hadn't ever noticed up until this moment was that he had angel wings. I stayed in one spot and stated at him in awe and beauty. But he didn't seem coherent that I was here; or the fact he was floating around with wings.

He looked unconscious and it soon became clear he was.
What the hell is this? I thought, this is a dream it has to be. I got drugged by Gabriel and I'll wake up soon enough!

Then a huge booming voice answer my thought.

"I don't think that you were drugged dear. All this you see is real."

I tensed up, looking around and seeing no one but me and Gabriel. Then I saw movement out the corner of my eye and turned to see two handsome looking men in suits. One was very large white male; his height and stature was that of a god almost. He wore a white suit and his face showed many years of hard work, but oddly hardly any wrinkles. His hair was snow white as was his trimmed beard. His eyes were silver, almost like Gabriel's.

The other man was  also a white male but much smaller than his partner. He wore a ebony black suit white grey pinstripes. His hair was blacker than his suit and was neatly combed back. His stature was for but nowhere near the god like one of his other half. He stare at me and smiled. It was so bright and dazzling it was as if he had pearls for teeth. An his eyes, I gasped.

They were golden and yellow, just like mine. I looked at them in disbelief, who are they I wondered. I shifted on my feet still uncomfortable that I was floating and that Gabriel was some bird angel thing I didn't know what.

I opened my mouth to speak but I didn't know what I wanted to say. Me and the two men just stood and stared for what seemed like forever. Finally I said something.

"Who are you two? And what did you mean by all this being real?"

The man in the white suit laughed. It was booming and shook me. The man in the black suit smirked. After w was done laughing he looked at me with a serious face. He meant business.

"What this is my dear is where sprits go after leaving their bodies on Earth and before they are sentenced."

I was confused, sentenced what did he mean?

"What do you mean sentenced?" I asked quietly.

He smiled, "why dear; being sentence to heaven or hell."

I felt myself pale, what the hell was this. This had to be a horrible dream, or some kind of hallucination. The man in the black suit stepped forward and steady me before I fell. I looked up to him, he was hot and not looks wise; but actually heat.

"Who are you?" I asked shakily.

He smiled, "Darling;" he said sweetly "I'm your father."

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