Chapter 2 - Onwards to Ealdor

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The hall outside the physician's chambers are empty, save for the king standing outside the door. His hand reaches for the handle tentatively a number of times only to pull back when he changes his mind. He paces back and forth along the length of the hall, considering whether or not this would be a good idea. 

It has been over a week since his encounter with the druid in the Darkling Woods. He's mulled over Iseldir's words over and over again each night. It has been the sole thought in his head through most of the past few days. It has caused him to become distracted during training, making him lose his footing on numerous occasions and ending up with a tip of a sword pointed at his neck. He has been caught by his councilmen with his mind wandering to thoughts about Emrys during meetings, having to be shaken by Agravaine in order to return his attention to the latest troubles being discussed. 

Arthur sighs, stopping in front of the door and reaching a hand out, yet again, for the handle. Before his hands even makes it half way, the door swings open, revealing the old physician eyeing him with a nasty glare. "If you had wanted to speak to me then you needn't be afraid to enter. I've heard you pacing about outside for the past half hour and it is terribly distracting," Gaius scolds, turning back around to head inside. 

Arthur walks in after him, shutting the door when he enters and glancing around the old man's chambers. The bitter scent of crushed herbs fill the air. The sound of bubbling potions surrounds him while rows upon rows of old books line the shelves wherever he looks. He picks up one of the bottles on the table, inspecting the strange dark blue colour before Gaius snatches the container from his grasp. The physician sets it down on the table, shooting him an exasperated look. 

"That's aconite. One of the deadliest poisons. I suggest you refrain from touching it," Gaius explains, moving back towards his desk where a large book lay opened in front of him. "Now," he settles down in his chair, "may I ask what the reason for your visit to my chambers is, sire?"

Arthur inches further away from the bottle on the table. He looks back towards Gaius whose knowing eyes seem to be able to search through to his inner most thoughts. "I wanted to ask, you frequent the village of Ealdor, correct?" 

"Indeed I do. An old friend of mine lives there." Gaius shifts in his seat, interest raised at the mention of the village. 

"Have you ever heard of a man named Emrys who resides there?" 

Gaius raises an eyebrow. "Never, my lord."

Arthur rests his hands down on the physician's desk, bracing his weight on his arms as he leans in. "Then what about a sorcerer? Any sorcerers in Ealdor?"

Gaius' eyes narrow, but he keeps his gaze locked on his king. "No. There are no sorcerers in Ealdor."

Arthur regards the physician with suspicion. He's always known Gaius to be a good liar when he needs to be. Sometimes, the man seems to hide more secrets than the whole of Camelot. "Lying to your king is treason."

Gaius only leans back in his chair, folding his hands in front of him on his lap. "Then I have nothing to fear."

Arthur sighs, knowing the old man had a resolve as firm as a rock. The king lifts his hands off the table, and begins to pace the room. Gaius stares. His eyes trailing the young king wherever he goes. "What has brought this up? Has something happened in Ealdor?" Gaius asks, sounding worried.

Arthur shakes his head, his gaze wandering about the room. "No, nothing of the sort, but I do have a favour to ask of you."

"Anything, sire."

Arthur stops pacing, halting in front of Gaius' desk. "I want you to find any information you can on the sorcerer named Emrys."

Gaius lifts an eyebrow, getting up from his chair and moving towards his shelf of old texts. He skims his finger across the bindings, searching for one of his books. "You mentioned the name earlier. What has brought this up?"

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