Chapter 12 - Fears of the Heart

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The mandrake root drips onto the floor of Camelot's corridors, the inky substance leaving a trail of darkness in its wake as Agravaine strides purposefully down the hall. The man holds it closer to his chest, concealing it behind his cloak when the servants pass and if they can hear the dripping of the soaked root they keep it to themselves. He can feel the tendrils of his lady's magic swirling around his fingertips as his grip tightens on the plant, the wisps of power emanating strongly from the mandrake as he heads down the halls, twisting and turning as he makes his way towards his destination. He holds another root in his hand, except this one is bare. No hints of magic swirling about its body. No blackness tainting its usual light brown colour.

Agravaine stops before turning the last corner. He peers around the wall, smirking to himself when he sees the king and his servant disappearing down the hall with the sounds of laughter in their wake.


Merlin sneaks into the king's chambers the next morning, tiptoeing around the room quietly as he lays out the royal's breakfast on the table. He can hear Arthur snoring loudly. The man's arm is draped over the side of the bed while he lies on his stomach, looking rather un-kingly as he drools in his sleep.

Merlin chuckles at the sight, ready to tease him on the matter later. He heads towards the curtains when he's finished setting up the table. He grabs the drapes, tearing them open roughly and allowing the morning sun to stream in through the windows.

"Rise and shine!" he calls happily, spinning on his heel to face the groaning Arthur.

The king turns in his bed, his hair messy and eyes half lidded with sleep. He grumbles in Merlin's general direction, something about obnoxious servants before he shuts his eyes again.

Merlin sighs, grabbing the duvet and yanking it harshly. Arthur keeps his grip firm, clutching at it tightly as his servant attempts to pull the covers away.

"You..." Merlin grunts, trying to wrench the blanket free, "have a busy day... filled with... council meetings and training." On the last word he manages to pull the covers off.

He gives a triumphant grin as Arthur groans, mumbling once again to himself as he glares at the servant in exasperation. Arthur crawls from the bed a moment later, eyes squinting at the sun as he faces the window.

"Is it possible to..." He sighs, rubbing at his eyes with a hand as he sits on the edge of the bed, "cancel the meetings?"

Merlin raises an eyebrow at him. "I may be able to arrange it," Merlin says, regarding the king skeptically, "Is something the matter?"

Arthur shakes his head, feeling himself get dizzy from the movement. "Just..." he waves a hand in the air, "not feeling very well. Could you fetch a remedy from Gaius for headaches?"

Merlin nods, looking at the king worriedly before leaving the room.


Gaius' remedy seems to have done little good as the throb continues to persist throughout the day. Arthur rests his head in his hands as he slouches in his chair, trying to at least finish some of the work beginning to pile on his desk only to no avail. He can't concentrate with the constant pounding in his skull. 

Food nor more sleep seemed to be able to dull the pain in his head. As a matter of fact, sleeping seemed to only make it worse. When he awoke from his nap earlier in the day he felt even more ill than he had when he first awoke. 

He glances up and around the empty chamber, heaving a sigh at the stillness in the air.

He had chosen to send Merlin away, telling him he had the day off in fear of spreading his illness to the boy as well. Merlin had refused rather adamantly at first, as he does to every order Arthur gives, insisting he stay and treat the king until he's well. Though Arthur was rather touched at the gesture he continued to press the boy until he finally gave in. Merlin left with a frown on his face, informing him that he would be in his own chambers next door in case he was needed.

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